Chapter 39: It can be said that he is very good at selecting people.

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Chapter 39: It can be said that he is very good at selecting people.

The rapid advertising revenue of "Sea Overlord" suffered a cliff decline on the thirteenth day of its launch.

The finance staff was the first to find out this matter and told the Wei Hai letter of the three departments.

Today is a holiday, but the advertising revenue is much lower than yesterday's simultaneous period, which must be a big problem.

Wei Haihan first asked his ghosts to check the advertising interface of the game. There was nothing abnormal, and several download channels did not fail. Just as they were about to investigate through other channels, Li Mi from the propaganda department ran over and told them a piece of news.

"Just now, a colleague in my department found that when I saw the feedback from players in the game home, our "Sea Overlord Battle" was prompted by the Green Umbrella Security Guard as a Trojan horse program. Many players' mobile phones were automatically deleted, and some players who did not automatically delete the game also protected our game program. Sex has been questioned.

As the largest mobile phone security butler software in China, the number of users is as high as 500 to 600 million. Having so many users is enough to prove its authority in the hearts of users.

Being characterized as a Trojan horse program is undoubtedly a disaster for a rising mini-game.

"Is there something wrong with this green umbrella guard? How can our game be a Trojan horse program!"

"Yes, when we compiled this program, we didn't add any plug-ins that violated the security regulations. Why did they be so wronged!"

"What kind of damage will they cause us by any definition! I have to ask them for the loss!"

The programmers of the three departments are filled with indignation.

Wei Haihan was also very angry that the Green Umbrella Guard was so nonsense that he immediately reported the matter to Zhang Tian.

Zhang Tian called Cheng Qingyin again.

After hearing this, Cheng Qingyin thought about it for a while.

Now she has come into contact with some game companies and is beginning to understand that Perfect Games, as a start-up game company, is not necessary to take revenge on the giant of the Green Umbrella.

An unknown software and an authoritative killing software, ordinary users will believe who is self-evident.

If the green umbrella wears small shoes for the perfect company's games in the future, it will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

"Mer Zhang, in your experience, do you think this matter is more likely to be misunderstood, or is it more likely that someone deliberately makes it bad?"

Green Umbrella Guard, even Cheng Qingyin has downloaded it from her mobile phone. In the past, she thought that the software was very credible and easy to use.

But after all, she is just a user and does not understand the judgment mechanism of the virus Trojan horse, and she is not sure whether this is a technical misunderstanding.

If there is a misunderstanding, try to minimize the matter of the bigest, and it doesn't matter if you suffer a little loss.

If it hadn't been for a misunderstanding, no matter how powerful the Green Umbrella Company was, she would not easily let go of these villains who dared to trick her.

Zhang Tian was an entrepreneur in the game industry during his lifetime. He had a general understanding of the various platforms and audit rules involved in the game release. Before calling, he had a certain judgment on this matter in his heart.

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