Chapter 76: Surrender.

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Chapter 76: Surrender.

The Lu family and his son were like two quails in the wind and rain, snuggled together tightly and survived until dawn.

From 1:00 a.m. to a few hours before dawn, the fierce ghost possessed the living people and kept trying to rush towards them. Every time the ghost hit, their hearts trembled, fearing that the golden charm would not stand it.

After five o'clock, the possessed bodyguard suddenly fell to the ground and didn't move.

"What's going on? Has the ghost gone?"

The two guessed, but they didn't dare to act rashly.

It was not until the first ray of morning light outside shone into the living room that their tight nerves relaxed and fell on the sofa.

After breathing, Lu Yan immediately said to his father:

"Dad, call Master Cheng and let her protect us!"

After experiencing the thrill of last night, he was no longer as confident as before and felt that Qi Yunguan dared not hurt them.

He witnessed the power of Cheng Qingyin's charm. At this time, in his heart, Cheng Qingyin was the life-saving straw of the living Bodhisattva. Only by her side could he get absolute safety.

Lu Guangyao was also the first time to see the horror of ghosts with his own eyes, and naturally he also wanted Cheng Qingyin to protect him. But he knew that Cheng Qingyin would be very busy and might not have time to take care of them in person.

He can only try hard with a try mentality.

"Master Cheng, we really met a fierce ghost last night!"

As soon as the phone was connected, he was scared.

Cheng Qingyin opposite seemed to be a little surprised:

"Did you see the ghost? Tell me what it is..."

Lu Guangyao told the situation last night. Cheng Qingyin opposite was silent for a few seconds and said apologetically:

"If it were an ordinary fierce ghost, you wore my charm, you wouldn't have any feelings and couldn't see her. This ghost is much better than I expected.

Lu Guangyao is even more worried:

"If the ghost comes again tonight, can our golden light charm stand it? Master Cheng, I'm very uneasy. Do you have time to come to Dongcheng?"

Cheng Qingyin is now on so many construction sites in Dongcheng, and there is also a company. He needs to guard against Qi Yunguan's black hands everywhere. Naturally, he does not want to go to other places easily.

"I can't walk away. If you want to be safe, why don't you move to Hangcheng to live for a while and rent a house in my same community so that I can protect you nearby.

Lu Guangyao was frightened last night and worried that Qi Yunguan saw that he could not win last night. He sent more ghosts to attack them tonight. Hearing this, he immediately said:

"Okay! As the master said, I will take my son to the community where you live right away!"

This method is much better than letting Cheng Qingyin come to the East City to protect them.

After all, he knows that Cheng Qingyin is very popular in Hangcheng. In addition, his family and the company are all there. Even if he is willing to come to Dongcheng, he won't stay long.

Qi Yunguan, according to the rumors on the other side of the Hangcheng, there is more than one fierce ghost in a Taoist temple. If Cheng Qingyin catches a ghost and returns to Hangcheng, Qi Yunguan sends other ghosts to change the book and deal with them up, isn't it completely ruined?

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