Chapter 83: Fat sheep sent to the door, don't kill Bai, don't...

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Chapter 83: Fat sheep sent to the door, don't kill Bai, don't...

Jin Hongzi stroked his white beard, and there was a trace of solemnity in his fiasco:

"It seems that the water in this voyage is deeper than we thought before."

Previously, the whole quilt of the Hangcheng View, and the Dongcheng View also encountered a big list, he personally sent the third generation of the most outstanding disciples and brought a century-old ghost to solve it.

Who would have thought that even the third generation of chief disciples were damaged there, and they didn't know their life or death.

Thinking over and over again, Jin Hongzi said:

"Brother, this time you take a few more people among the three generations and four generations of disciples to investigate in person."

As the whole general view, Jin Hongzi is the most cultivated except for his ancestors, and he cannot easily leave the division. Qinghongzi's cultivation is second only to him. By sending Qinghongzi, he shows that he attaches great importance to this matter.

Qinghongzi ordered three, three generations of disciples, four or four generations of disciples, eight people in a row, and took another hundred-year-old fierce ghost to the Hangcheng.

At the suggestion of the four generations of disciples who kept pace with the times, they first went to the Emerald Flower Language.

According to the report of Dongcheng View, the last place to go before Xingluo and Xuanjun lost contact was here.

When they rushed out of the community, they immediately let the fierce ghosts they carried with them confuse the property management staff and transferred the monitoring when Xingluo and others came to the community.

After looking at the monitoring for a few hours, they found the whereabouts of Xingluo and Xuanjun.

Not long after entering the community, the two were sent by ambulance to Hangcheng No. 1 Hospital.

"Twenty patients sent by Emerald Flower Language ten days ago? They are in Ward 1012 on the 10th floor, and they owe more than 100,000 yuan for this rescue. Remember to pay the money.

Nurse Road at the front desk of the hospital.

Qing Hongzi rushed to the ward with a large group of people and found that the two lived in the intensive care unit. She looked in through the transparent glass window on the door. There were many patients with breathing masks and various instruments connected to their bodies. They didn't know which one was his apprentice.

The attending doctor received a call from the front desk and was already at the door.

Looking at the Tang clothes on several people's bodies and the jade hairpin on their heads, the attending doctor is sure that this is indeed the family of the two patients.

These days, men have few long hair and even fewer jade hairpins.

"Doctor, I'm a family of the two drowning patients. Can you let me go in and see them?"

The doctor said that this is not the visiting time in the intensive care unit, and it will take a few more hours.

On other people's territory, there are cameras everywhere. Qing Hongzi can only follow the rules and ask the doctor about the two first.

"You should be psychologically prepared. Both patients have caused a large number of brain cells to die because they fell into the water for too long. We have tried our best to save their vital signs, but in the current situation, it is unlikely that they will wake up."

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