Chapter 33: Add another fierce general.

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Chapter 33: Add another fierce general.

It's not easy to find the location of that company.

Those ghosts who have joined Cheng Qingyin did not announce the company's address on the recruitment rules out of caution without wanting to have more competitors. Later, those ghosts who recruited the past were also picked up by Master Cheng himself.

The sophomore who met Ren Xuan naturally didn't know the company's address.

"Brother Xuan, what do you want to know the address of that company?" He asked curiously.

Ren Xuan said truthfully:

"I'm going to apply for the job too!"

"It's useless. You don't know how many ghosts with excellent resumes have been eliminated from the interview this time. You are just a singer, one without education and no relevant work experience. Even if you go, you will be eliminated!"

After people die, no matter how great achievements they have made in their lives, no matter how famous they are, they have nothing to do with them.

Therefore, the second-year-old middle school doesn't think Ren Xuan, a singer who has been dead for five years, can play any role.

Ren Xuan refused to give up and said, "It's human-made, ah, no, it's evil!" I haven't tried it. How can I give up easily!"

With that, he went to inquire about the address of the company.

Many ghosts in the cemetery don't know the address, but there is a clue:

"I heard from Tong Bin that he used to work on a construction site called Repulse Bay. If you go here, you may hope to find the master."

That said, everyone thinks Ren Xuan is useless.

"Don't pester yourself. The little master who runs the company is very smart. If she gets annoying, maybe someone is unhappy to beat you away!"

Hearing this, Ren Xuan was also a little afraid.

But he soon came up with a new way. He went to the interview alone and might be rejected, but if he added a friend who made great achievements in game production and tied the two together, the success rate would be high!

After becoming a ghost, he also loved socializing. After escaping from hell, he also met many ghost friends. A while ago, I happened to know a ghost named Wei Haihan, who was a well-known game producer.

This ghost lives in Xizhao Mountain Cemetery on the other end of the city. He must not know the good news at present.

As soon as he said, he immediately rushed to the Xizhao Mountain Cemetery and found Wei Haihan, who was reading words in the vain.

Wei Haihan is a flat-headed man in his thirties. He is mediocre and dull-eyed. It is said that he was caused by high myopia and did not wear glasses when he died.

At this time, he was reading a word in front of a void.

"Hey, Brother Wei, I have good news for you!"

Wei Haihan pushed him aside:

"Don't bother me to push the algorithm!"

Ren Xuan knew that Wei Haihan had always loved his work. Without a computer, he programmed and ran it in his mind, trying to build the game he designed.

"What else is the deduction, Brother Wei? There is a job that allows you to write programs to create games on the computer. Do you want to go?"

This finally aroused Wei Haihan's interest, and a layer of light shining in his dull eyes:

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