Chapter 21: First Update.

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Chapter 21: First Update.

Zhang Hu's hiding place is in an old residential building.

Zhang Yuxiong's body recovered suddenly and directly sent the seventh uncle of the Zhang family to arrest him, which caught him off guard.

He barely escaped under his protection and quickly contacted his father and wife and children, but found that he had lost contact with them.

The Zhang family could no longer tolerate them, so he had to hide in Tibet in Dongcheng with a group of hardcore supporters in an attempt to find an opportunity to rescue his relatives.

In the information age, it is much easier to find someone than before. Uncle Zhang has found him twice before. Under the fight between the two sides, there are only six Ma Zai brothers left around him. Three of them were sent out to inquire about the news, and the four of them were hiding in a three-bedroom and one-living room for some years.

Since they all had guns on their bodies, Cheng Qingyin knocked on the door first, attracting everyone to the vicinity of the foyer, so as to facilitate Zhou Yuntao to take action.

"Who?" Hearing the knock on the door, Zhang Hu took out his weapon vigilantly. It's not his fault that he is full of vegetation and trees, but Zhang Yuxiong's people can be found at any time. He must be more careful.

A paparazzi carefully came to the cat and looked at it: "It's a young woman."

"What did she ask her for?"

"What can I do for you?"

"It's a very useful scale cleaner, can you understand it?" A soft female voice sounded outside the door.

"No, get out of here!"

At this moment, the paparat standing at the door suddenly softened and fell down.

"Crow, what's wrong with you?" Another horseman rushed over nervously to check the situation.

However, the next moment, he seemed to be covered by something. His hand tried to tear something off his face, but he couldn't pull anything. In just two or three seconds, the paparazzi also rolled over and fell to the ground.

"Who! Who's playing tricks!"

Zhang Hu loaded the gun, and the dark gun aimed at the room everywhere, but there was nothing in the room except him and another pupe.

"Is there any toxic gas? Hurry up, open the window for ventilation!" Another Mazai Road.

Zhang Hu quickly opened the window and took out the mountaineering rope under the coffee table, ready to jump out of the window and slip away.

But just in the effort of his turn, the only waking horse fell to the ground.

He felt a pain in his wrist. He subconsciously let go and the gun fell to the ground. Then he slipped more than ten meters away from the floor.

Zhang Hu looked into the house in doubt and saw nothing, but he and the three horses were indeed attacked.

He has never encountered such a strange situation.

I want to turn around and escape, but I'm afraid that leaving my back to an invisible enemy will become more dangerous.

While hesitating, the door lock moved by itself, as if an invisible hand had unscrewed it open.

The iron door creaked open, revealing the thin, weak, cold and beautiful girl outside the door. She was not surprised at all at the puppet who fell to the ground. She turned a blind eye and calmly walked into the room and closed the door.

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