Chapter 17: Settlement.

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Chapter 17: Settlement.

Liu Mijun suddenly fainted. His stepwife was a woman with her children. He didn't know what to do for a while.

He slapped and shook, but failed to wake Liu Mijun up. It was not until four o'clock in the morning that Liu Mijun woke up by himself.

"Ghost! Ah, ah, ah!" He is still immersed in the shock just now.

His stepwife was scared by him, "Where is a ghost? Don't scare me!" What did you see?"

At first glance, it was his stepwife. Liu Mijun calmed down and told her what had happened just now.

The stepwife turned pale when she heard this: "I didn't see anything..."

If it's pretending to be a ghost, it is impossible for two people to sleep in the same bed, but only one person sees it, but one person sees nothing. Moreover, the sudden blue and black mark on Liu Mijun's neck could not be faked.

Therefore, the current situation is that Liu Mijun's ex-wife who was hit by a car really came back to find him.

She treats Liu Mijun like this, and she may still attack her and the children.

Thinking of this, his stepwife also softened her hands and feet in horror.

After a long time, the six gods were ownerless, and then suddenly remembered:

"Isn't there a godmother Zhao in our village? Usually, whose child cries at night and burns eggs is quite effective!"

"Then call Grandma Zhao and ask her to come right away!"

Liu Mijun shouted hurriedly as if he had caught a life-saving straw.

Liu Mijun's stepwife happened to have Zhao Shenpo's contact information and quickly dialed it over.

Originally, I wanted Liu Mijun to tell the situation, so she opened it hands-free, and the phone beeped twice, and it was soon connected.

They never thought that it was not the voice of Grandma Zhao coming from the phone, but the voice of a more resentful and colder woman:

"You, guys, yes, looking for me, is it... I'll be right away, just, come, find you... hee hee hee hee..."

The outside of the house is dark and quiet. Even if the lights are on in the house, the cold female voice still looks extremely strange.

Then, the sliding windows in the bedroom sounded like someone shaking violently.


Liu Mijun shouted in horror again.

"I was wrong! Honey, I was wrong! Don't come to me!"

He quickly knelt down and begged for mercy.

At this moment, a loud rooster suddenly came, and all the voices subsided.

Until dawn, nothing strange happened again.

The two of them didn't dare to call and even crawled to find Grandma Zhao in the village for help.

Grandma Zhao asked for the details of last night's haunting and said calmly:

"Don't panic. The ghost found a living person and had a certain appeal. If you met her request, she naturally left!"

"I'll ask her to come out and ask you!"

"Okay, okay! Ask me what she is going to do!" Liu Mijun quickly said.

Grandma Zhao immediately prepared something to attract souls and ask Mi at home, and then went to his house with Liu Mijun.

After tossing, she spread rice and wiped chicken blood. After reading for a long time, Godmother Zhao suddenly had an excitement, and then shouted and asked with a solemn face:

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