Chapter 38: Wanxiang Game.

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Chapter 38: Wanxiang Game.

Since Cheng Qingyin is a layman, Tong Bin popularized Cheng Qingyin's immoral work in this universal game.

This Wanxiang game is one of the best game platforms in China. At present, two of the four most attractive games come from his home.

However, the company's comments are actually called a game industry entrepreneur gritting their teeth.

For some games with good start, they usually buy them at a low price and merge the entire game team into Wanxiang. If it doesn't follow, Wanxiang will imitate it directly, and then rely on its platform advantages to hide those unbackgrounded genuine games and replace the genuine version with its imitations.

After hearing this, Cheng Qingyin couldn't help frowning:

"Isn't anyone sued him in court?"

In that way of forcibly acquire, there is really nothing the way for the creator to compromise. But in the latter case, isn't it plagiarism? This should be possible to seek legal help.

Speaking of this, Wei Haihan couldn't help sighing:

"Why didn't you sue, but no one can win at all."

Even if he is already the boss of the game industry, he will not be bullied by Wanxiang in his lifetime, but he is very dissatisfied with Wanxiang's behavior and is worried that it will destroy the vitality of the game industry.

"Why?" Cheng Qingyin asked.

Tong Bin explained to Cheng Qingyin in detail:

"On the one hand, they have a very strong team of lawyers. Ordinary entrepreneurs do not have this condition to compete with them when they file a lawsuit. On the other hand, their plagiarism can't catch legal loopholes.

They usually plagiarize on pictures and gameplay.

But the picture is very similar at first glance, but if you look closely, you will find that the color matching is completely different, which cannot legally constitute plagiarism.

And the gameplay belongs to the ideological level and is not protected by law. As long as the special code is not the same, it will not be sentenced to plagiarism.

Even Cheng Qingyin has always been relatively indifferent to people and things, she is also a little angry when she hears this.

She can fully imagine how desperate those originals plagiarized by the Universal Games will be. Seeing their efforts stolen and plundered, they can't do anything because their opponent is too cunning.

Moreover, in a universal style, their company's Battle of Haiba is almost 100% likely to be targeted.

"Who is Wanxiang's boss?"

If there is nothing we can do about it from the legal level, you have to start with the boss.

The company has done so many bad things that the boss can't be innocent.

Such people may be punished by metaphysical means.

"Wanxiang's boss is a famous figure in the media world, named Gu Junzhuo. He started with games, and later dabbled in film and television, media investment, and his control over public opinion was difficult for ordinary game companies.

"Now several large media on the Internet have his shares, and it is difficult for the plagiarized to speak out."

Cheng Qingyin narrowed slightly, Gu Junzhuo, a media tycoon... This is really a narrow road to the enemy.

He is also a loyal pursuer of Tang Qianqian.

The book only writes about Gu Junzhuo's scenery as a media tycoon. The various resources provided to Tang Qianqian are envious to his peers, but he has never said that his capital has been accumulated by the flesh and blood of countless originalists.

Tang Qianqian originally had a grudge against the Cheng family. After today's conflict, she would only hate their family of three even more.

If Tang Qianqian is not completely eradicated, they will not be able to celebrate An's birthday.

However, Tang Qianqian has a system in her hand, which is not so easy to deal with. It's better to cut off her minions first.

What can make her famous in the entertainment industry, such as Gu Junzhuo, is definitely one of the most gold-rich brands in Tang Qianqian's hands.

In this way, whether it is for the company or for the safety of parents and your own, you have to fight against Wanxiang Games.

"Wan Xiang will start our game sooner or later. While there is still time, we have to prepare early."

She told the heads of several departments.

In fact, when they reminded her of the call from Wanxiang before, they had already thought of a threat from Wanxiang.

Living people are unwilling to steal their achievements for their benefit, and their sense of achievement-oriented ghosts can't tolerate their things being robbed.

If you fight against Wanxiang, there will be a tough battle, and they don't want to lose yet.

Now Cheng Qingyin has taken the initiative to fight against the universal direction, and the ghosts naturally respond positively.

"The master is right. We must prevent it early."

Since Wanxiang has media forces, we should beware of covering its mouth. Master, I suggest expanding the number of staff in the Propaganda Department immediately to try to have a huge number of sailors in our hands when needed.

"To expand the navy, you have to buy a lot of computers, which may cause trouble."

"It's better for finance to come in. You may need to count the material procurement information later."

The ghosts said, giving advice for the next confrontation with Wanxiang. After discussion for more than two hours, they finally had a complete plan.

Everyone agrees that this plan is good. Tong Bin smiled and said with a happy smile:

"We have so many excellent workers now, but they are not as helpless as ordinary small game companies. He just wants to do it. If he doesn't knock off his steel teeth, I will lose!"

Other ghosts also looked forward to it. It turned out to be the meaning of wiping his fists and waiting for Wan Xiang to hit.

However, unexpectedly, this time, Wanxiang did not even call the acquisition, but secretly took more despicable actions.

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