Chapter 98: Three years.

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Chapter 98: Three years.

In just half a year, Miaoshao Medical Center has cured tens of thousands of patients with special drugs, and its reputation has also been widely spread.

Many doctors who offer high salaries to try to dig up the clinic were rejected by doctors without hesitation.

Patients don't know, but they know that it is not their fault to heal those patients.

No one knows better than them that the prescription they prescribed to patients is actually only a general immune-enhancing drug, which maintains the status quo at most and generally cannot achieve the effect of curing cancer.

The pharmacy in the hospital is very mysterious. They are not allowed to check the situation inside, and they don't know what medicine the pharmacy has given patients.

But the patient's illness is that he gets better after taking those drugs.

This only shows that what really works is a certain medicine in the hospital.

Of course, as long as they know these, they get the high salary of the hospital and sign a confidentiality agreement. They can't tell anything about the hospital.

The more so, the more those specialized hospitals, especially private specialized hospitals, scratched their hearts.

Some peers have overcome these world-wide problems, but they can't touch them at all. In this way, they will be eliminated sooner or later.

Since they couldn't dig up the doctor, they had to find a breakthrough from the perspective of the prescription.

They bought some patients and tried to get them the prescription, but they learned that the prescription in the hospital would not be given to the patients. If the patients did not accept it, they could not see a doctor in the hospital.

These hospitals can only retreat to the second place, taking some finished drugs from patients for testing.

After collecting drug samples from more than N patients, they were surprised to find that there was a common unknown drug.

After experiments, this unknown drug can greatly improve human immunity and restore cancer cells to normal cells.

These hospitals are not stupid. They find the crux of the problem and naturally know who to contact.

"Mr. Cheng, the director of Ren'ai Liver Disease Hospital wants to meet you and said he wants to discuss some cooperation with you."

Cheng Qingyin's assistant came to report.

Construction sites, game companies, clothing factories, ideal centers, and a wonderful medical center, there are enough vulgar things to Cheng Qingyin's lack of skills.

She deeply understood that her main task was to improve her strength. More energy should be devoted to practice, so she asked the Lu family to find three assistants for her and Zhou Dongfeng to help her find two assistants. These assistants with strong business ability helped manage the operation of many industries.

Nowadays, as long as it does not involve the safety of ghosts in the industry and changes in major development directions, she will basically not intervene.

The Ren'ai Liver Disease Hospital came to the door and said that cooperation was mostly aware of the special drugs of Miaoshang Medical Center.

Normally, it is naturally a good thing for more hospitals to use this drug, but it has not reached the stage of clinical trials. In order not to leave a handle, she can't agree.

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