Chapter 64: A bumper harvest of merit.

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Chapter 64: A bumper harvest of merit.

Zhang Yuxiong immediately ordered the Zhang family to check the owner information of the car.

Before long, he learned that it was a car rental car in Hangcheng, rented by a woman named Zhang Tingrong.

Later, she was driven away by a woman in black long-sleeved trousers and a hat, who couldn't see her face clearly.

Zhang Yuxiong looked at the woman with a thin figure and indimirable face on the surveillance screenshot, and his turbid eyes flashed brightly.

He has a strong intuition that the woman sneaked around the Zhang family at night, which has a lot to do with the abduction of people in the Zhang family dungeon.

"Set someone to Hangcheng and interrogate the woman named Zhang Tingrong!"

As soon as he gave the order, he suddenly received a bad news.

A confidant called in panic:

"Mr., it was not dawn early this morning, and the Linghu warehouse was suddenly surrounded by the police! Everything inside has been seized!"

Zhang Yuxiong's heart suddenly thumped.

Linghu Warehouse is located on the lake, and several entertainment venues of the Zhang family are by the water, which is convenient for direct delivery.

There are more than half of the poisons of the whole Zhang family.

Once seized by the police, it will undoubtedly bring a devastating disaster to the Zhang family.

At this time, Zhang Yuxiong suddenly realized that something was wrong. Zhang Hu's wife and daughter were rescued, and the warehouse was violent | exposed...

This warehouse is a place that only the humerus of the Zhang family knows, and now there is only Zhang Hu who doesn't even fight with him.

Zhang Hu now has no minions, and his only stum has been rescued. With his hatred for him, it is completely possible to go to the police to bury the whole Zhang family together.

What's more creepy is that Zhang Hu knows that there is not only this warehouse, but also other terrible things.

"Come, immediately arrange a helicopter to the eastern suburbs, and then send a car to pick me up at the international airport."

Zhang Yuxiong, who was old and cunning, decisively chose to take refuge abroad after smelling the dangerous smell.

However, it's still too late after all.

The police have been staring at the Zhang family for a long time. Now that they have received a report from Zhang Hu and some evidence given by the undercover agent, they have directly gone through the special channel to apply for an arrest warrant.

Before Zhang Yuxiong got on the helicopter, he was surrounded by a large number of SWATs rushing in.

Zhang Yuxiong was arrested, and other leaders of the Zhang family, large and small, were not spared, and even Zhang Kun, who lived in a mental hospital, was not spared.

The black cloud that shrouded in the sky of the East City was finally dissipated by clear thunder.

The Zhang family collapsed overnight. Although there was no news on the Internet, other rich families heard the news one after another.

The whole upper-class society in the East City was extremely shocked. When it had business dealings with the Zhang family, everyone was in danger and quickly figured out the relationship with the Zhang family.

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