Chapter 48: He will lose everything.

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Chapter 48: He will lose everything.

The arrest warrant clearly states that he was arrested on charges of organizing and forcing others to sell Y.

Since his family knew his own affairs, Gu Junzhuo naturally knew that some of the actions carried out in his company were illegal, but he controlled those artists very well. He never thought that one day this matter would be stabbed into the police, let alone understand when the police quietly had the evidence and what they mastered something. What evidence?

Despite his surprise, he did not argue with the police at the scene, but calmly said to the organizers of the banquet:

"Mn Lao, I'm sorry to interrupt your birthday party today. There is a misunderstanding about this matter. Now I will cooperate with the police comrades to investigate first, and then compensate you another day.

There were many media people at the scene. Once the matter was exposed, it attracted the attention of the public. In his current reputation, it was not so easy for him to run to exone himself.

His words are ostensibly to apologize to the master's family, but in fact, he warns the media present that Gu Junzhuo is not finished yet. If they want to reveal the news, they have to think twice.

Gu Junzhuo was quickly taken away by the police, and the banquet hall was silent for several minutes before he returned to the fun.

And this excitement is obviously related to Gu Junzhuo's arrest.

The police did not disclose his crime on the spot out of humanitarian protection for the suspect, and other guests were naturally very curious.

"What's going on? Mr. Gu was arrested?

"He said it was a misunderstanding. Do you think it's credible?"

"What a joke? The arrest warrant has been issued. The police must have tangible evidence! Can this be a misunderstanding?"

"Gu Junzhuo, I'm afraid he will fall this time."

Rich businessmen with faces are talking about it.

Artists without background dare not express this view of gloating to bosses in the circle like Gu Junzhuo for the time being, but they also carefully find excuses to stay away from the originally flattering Tang Qianqian.

After all, if Gu Junzhuo really falls, the Tang Qianqian he strongly praised may not be spared. Before things are decided, they don't have to go through this muddy water.

And even if Tang Qianqian did not suffer from pond fish, she lost Gu Junzhuo, the backstage with countless resources in her hand, which was not worth flattering them again.

Tang Qianqian clearly felt that everyone looked at her subtle eyes and the alienated attitude of those artists who had flattered her at this time. How proud she had been before, how embarrassing she was at this time.

Thinking of what these people were thinking, she was as as angry as being slapped in public.

These snobbish eyes!

She gritted her teeth secretly.

Unexpected to take the eyes of the audience here, she said hello to the host of the banquet and hurriedly left the banquet hall.

As soon as she left the banquet hall, she quickly contacted Gu Junzhuo's most trusted lawyer:

"Lawyer Li, Jun Zhuo was just arrested by the police. Go and have a look. What's going on?"

Lawyer Li told her that he had just received a call from Assistant Gu Junzhuo and would rush to the police station soon.

Tang Qianqian temporarily returned to Gu Junzhuo's villa and waited for the news from Lawyer Li.

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