Chapter 96: Medical Experts Are Coming.

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Chapter 96: Medical Experts Are Coming.

Xu Wuyuan hummed and smiled, as if he had been careless as usual:

"She is a mortal. What kind of relationship does she have with me?"

Lu Ying:......

Your reaction is not as simple as you said.

"Then I have agreed to her request. What if she wants to see the soul of the same name as you?"

Xu Wuyuan was silent for a moment: "If she asks, you can tell her that when things happen, I will give her a satisfactory explanation in person."

Satisfied confession... Your magistrate, she is going to resurrect the man named Xu Wuyuan. How do you satisfy her?

Lu Ying complained silently in his heart.

Then he heard Xu Wuyuan's command:

"Recently, let's send those teams of doctors to her. Be careful, these doctors are of great use and must not be found by patrols.

Lu Ying obviously felt that Judge Xu at this time inexplicably increased his determination to win compared with his original efforts.

After learning the truth from the leader of the hell, Cheng Qingyin immediately released Li Xue from the jade card.

"Your injury is almost healing. Go to work."

Now is not the time to make the truth public.

Moreover, as an ordinary ghost, Li Xue has no merit. If she suddenly learns that her sister has been refined, I'm afraid she can't stand the stimulation and become a fierce ghost.

Well, it's better to let her keep that false hope for the time being and accumulate some merit for herself.

Li Xue was very grateful for the opportunity to get a job. For merit, she immediately turned around and threw herself into the work.

Half a month later, the ghost of Fenghuangshan Cemetery brought a group of special ghosts to Cheng Qingyin.

There are more than a dozen of these ghosts, men, women and children. They all wear white coats and have a peaceful face. Instead of a trace of resentment, they have many merits.

Among them, Cheng Qingyin still feels a little familiar.

After introduction, she learned that several of them were well-known experts and professors in the field of medicine.

The main purpose of their visit to her is actually related to work.

Of course, with their merit, it is very easy to find a job in hell. But they are not willing to do those unchallenging work, and they don't want to waste their lives on reincarnation. They have been doing their own medical research in hell these years.

Nowadays, many of them have achieved results. Now when they find Cheng Qingyin, they want her to help find a way to bring their research results back to the world.

"Master Cheng, we have nothing now. No matter what we do, we need to invest alone. In return, we will not take any profit of these drugs in the future."

As a representative, Professor Tong Youwei is open and honest with Cheng Qingyin.

Money has no effect on them. What they want is the great credit they have gained after the promotion of these drugs.

As aspiring people, they don't want to see the hell so miasma. They want to contribute to Mr. X in their own way.

Cheng Qingyin has read their research results and is shocked by the breakthrough they have made.

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