Chapter 11: The Zhang family is in big trouble.

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Chapter 11: The Zhang family is in big trouble.

There is another important reason why Zhang Kun acted so eagerly, in addition to his hatred to poison Cheng Qingyin because she was humiliated last time.

This has to start with Tang Qianqian.

Since the false alarm that day, she has been thinking about how to eliminate Meng Xiang and Cheng Fenglin without blood.

The emperor lived up to her mind. That morning, she suddenly saw a piece of news and was inspired.

"Jiang Renzhong, the former president of Qianhai Group, was found cutting his wrists in the apartment this morning and committed suicide. It is reported that Jiang Renzhong was in debt of 380 million yuan during his lifetime..."

Tang Qianqian suddenly became cheerful.

She had never thought that the debt after bankruptcy was enough to force people to a dead end.

In this way, things will be easy.

Although Cheng Fenglin was well-promised before, his creditors did not seem to intend to force him in a more extreme way.

But what if you change the creditor?

As long as she secretly buys part of the debt, she gives it to the debt collection company for free...

Driven by such great interests, she doesn't have to worry that the debt collection company will not use all kinds of means.

As long as Cheng Fenglin is defeated, Meng Xiang is just a little woman. She can't live without her husband.

The best thing about this method is that she only needs to reach an agreement with the debt collection company. Even if she is found in the future, she can pretend to buy debts, but she secretly filial piety and the debt collection company has exploited loopholes.

With such a perfect way, she immediately took action.

However, she never thought that she inquired several creditors and was told that the Cheng family's debt had been paid off.

Even the largest bank loan has been repaid.

The dream was shattered in an instant, and Tang Qianqian was very reluctant.

She really doesn't understand how the Cheng family, who has completely liquidated and went bankrupt, repaid this huge debt in just a few days.

She couldn't think of anything except foreign aid.

This investigation has produced a result that puzzled her.

On the day Zhang Kun went to the Cheng family, his real estate company transferred a full 600 million cash to Cheng Qingyin's personal account, which was also this money that allowed the Cheng family to pay off all the debts and surpluses in one go.

Thinking of the beauty of Cheng Qingyin who was born that day, she inevitably had some other doubts.

However, Zhang Kun has returned to her hospitality in the past few days. She didn't want to admit that she was intercepted by Cheng Qingyin.

So, on this day, she specially asked Zhang Kun out for dinner.

"It's rare that Qianqian invited me to dinner so generously."

Zhang Kun joked jokingly, not very serious.

Looking at her eyes were shiny with a smile, obviously rejoicing with her offer.

Tang Qianqian raised the red wine glass and gently touched him:

"Kun, I want to thank you."

Zhang Kun is a little puzzled:

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