Chapter 31: She can create a family that is not inferior to the Cheng family...

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Chapter 31: She can create a family that is not inferior to the Cheng family...

Cheng Qingyin has always known that in today's situation, it is impossible to completely defeat Tang Qianqian.

Even if she reads the novel and understands the plot, she only knows that Tang Qianqian hinted at Zhang Kun, but no one has empirical evidence to prove that Tang Qianqian is the culprit of the bankruptcy of the Cheng family.

When he was dragged down by Zhang Kun's reputation, with Tang Qianqian's selfish heart, she would inevitably choose to leave the relationship with Zhang Kun. If she bites again, saying that Zhang Kun forced her to engage, she would even become a victim further, causing public pity.

And this is indeed true.

In order not to let Tang Qianqian get out of this matter or even get extra benefits, she added the last step--

In some websites and the upcoming news released by the print media of Tang Qianqian's loyal pursuer Gu Junzhuo, add Zhang Kun's humble courtship manuscript, and then send an email to inform the editors-in-chief. This is what Tang Qianqian means.

Gu Junzhuo is interested in Tang Qianqian. He has been hyped up by Tang Qianqian several times. It is impossible for these editors-in-chief not to know or not to show off Tang Qianqian's face.

In this way, Zhang Yuxiong, who saw the report find the bottom of this, naturally think that this is what Tang Qianqian means.

Zhang Yuxiong hated Zhang Kun's infatuation with Tang Qianqian. When he heard such news, he didn't tell his son? With Zhang Kun's face-loving personality, he understood Tang Qianqian's misguided way of stepping on his face to gain fame, and the two would break up completely.

Let Tang Qianqian's most powerful and dangerous help differentiate, and even turn against her eyes, which is a phased victory for her.

Seeing that the news from the Evening News and the website were released as scheduled, Cheng Qingyin came to the warehouse to settle the salaries of those hackers.

"We have worked hard these days. Now that the work is over, let's have a good rest."

In the past few days, programmers and ghosts have fought with the system firewalls of various websites, just like anti-Japanese teams fighting tunnel warfare in enemy areas, which is thrilling and exciting. And those who do public relations also help with advice and give orders, and feel that the work of grasping bald heads is so meaningful.

In contrast, in the past, when I was idle and picky, I really chewed wax.

As soon as I heard Cheng Qingyin say that the work was coming to an end, the ghosts immediately howled:

"What, is this over? No!"

"Master, is there nothing else for us to do?"

Cheng Qingyin shook his head:

"I'm not sure about your market price. You can quote it to me by yourself. I'll call it directly to your relatives' card, or find a public welfare account to donate it to you."

Except for Tong Bin, no other ghosts expected her to pay them so politely.

They are not very interested in the remuneration of the world. They have only worked for such a short period of two or three days. They are not greedy at all. How can they miss such a good opportunity?

I have realized that Cheng Qingyin, a little celestial master, is a reasonable person, and he is not as rigid as other celestial masters. He feels that human ghosts must have a clear boundary. As soon as he sees ghosts, he will either beat them to death or send them back to hell.

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