Chapter 22: Second Update.

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Chapter 22: Second Update.

This contract, minus the workload completed by the previous construction team, has a total construction cost of more than 230 million yuan. Wu Zhiqiang very honestly paid Cheng Qingyin 30% of the advance payment, a total of more than 70 million yuan.

Originally, Cheng Qingyin was going to pay them monthly, but now that there is a demand, it's okay to pay it now.

Chen Fugui calculated the total construction volume and the contribution of each ghost.

At present, the construction site has been under construction for half a month, and all the foundation projects have been completed. Several buildings have been built seven or eight floors high. The completed project volume is at least one twentieth of the total amount, and the labor cost is about 15.5 million yuan. After deducting 50% of Cheng Qingyin's personal remuneration, and 500 people who belong to workers. Seventy-five thousand.

According to the degree of contribution, each ghost can be divided into rewards ranging from 50,000 to 60,000 to more than 100,000 yuan.

Originally, everyone didn't think they could make much money, but now everyone is stunned when the results are announced.

This is at least ten times faster than they made money in their lifetime.

Before the ghosts recovered, Cheng Qingyin had asked Chen Fugui to send a pile of cash to the ghosts.

After all, the first salary has to have a sense of ritual. She took the trouble to withdraw a large box of cash back.

Holding the money in my hand, the ghosts who felt that their families needed money were particularly happy.

"At this rate of making money, I only need a few months to make up the down payment for my daughter! In this way, she also has her own family. I'm not so worried whether she gets married or not in the future!"

"As long as I work hard for a year, I can save nearly 700,000 to 800,000 yuan for my parents, so that my eldest brother will no longer worry that my parents will be treated if they are sick and have no money!"

"My grandson told me in front of my grave a while ago that his biggest dream is to go to the United States to study architecture. At this speed, I will definitely save him the cost of studying abroad before the college entrance examination!"


About a dozen of these ghosts rushed to Cheng Qingyin one after another, wrote down the names and card numbers of their relatives to Cheng Qingyin, and asked her to transfer the money to her relatives.

Cheng Qingyin asked Tong Bin to register.

And the other 40 ghosts, their relatives are doing well now. They don't need to worry so much. They hold a lot of money in their hands. They really don't know how to spend it. They can only consider Cheng Qingyin's previous donation.

The male ghost in front of him who came up to see his wife is undoubtedly the best choice.

Zhang Cuilan said earlier that she would donate money to him. At this time, when she got the money, she directly and boldly stuffed the 78,000 yuan she earned into his hand:

"Brother, this salary is useless for me at present. Just donate it all to your wife for medical treatment!"

Another female ghost also donated all her 655,000 to him.

Two other bricklayers who died prematurely sympathized with the experience of the male ghost and donated 30,000 yuan to him each.

In this way, the 200,000 male ghosts need are enough in a blink of an eye.

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