Chapter 89: As a celestial master, their worldview...

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Chapter 89: As a celestial master, their worldview...

At present, Cheng Qingyin's contracted construction sites are mainly distributed in Hangcheng, Dongcheng, and Yucheng, 200 kilometers away from Hangcheng.

Her base camp is in the Hangcheng, and she also lives in the Hangcheng. For the construction sites in Dongcheng and Yucheng, in addition to hiring security guards on a regular basis, she also sent six or seven fierce ghosts to each construction site to ensure the safety of ordinary ghosts.

Normally, all aspects have been perfect, and whether it is a celestial master or a fierce ghost, it is not enough to pose a threat to them.

But I'm afraid that it will be dense.

After all, the strength of the fierce ghosts is discounted. Even if six or seven add up, they must not be opponents against the same number of celestial masters.

The power of the heavenly master can naturally cause great damage to ghosts. The advantage of ghosts lies in speed. Once trapped in a relatively fixed place, even fierce ghosts can't get a bargain.

If she hadn't been so worried at night, she would have run away, but now it's daytime, and the sun is everywhere, and ghosts can't leave the construction site.

"Let the security guard strengthen the patrol first, and I'll be right over."

There is no way to hide all the time. She still needs to come forward to completely solve this hidden danger.

More than three hours later, Cheng Qingyin finally arrived at the construction site on the phone.

The construction site is located in the suburbs of Dongcheng.

In order not to attract too much attention to the rapid construction progress, and to unduly squeeze the employment space of existing construction workers, when she asked people to help find projects, she specifically explained that she hoped to take over some suburban construction sites. Therefore, this batch of construction sites are basically located in the relatively remote suburbs.

The construction site has been in progress for nearly a month and has been completed in half.

The security captain saw her car and immediately came to greet her.

"Boss Cheng!"

Cheng Qingyin didn't hear the sound of construction on the construction site, so he couldn't help but worry:

"What happened?"

The security captain was a little confused. I don't know why, the atmosphere of the whole construction site suddenly became very tense today. The foreman repeatedly stressed that no stranger should be allowed to let in to strengthen patrols.

"No. That is, several people have been wandering outside the construction site before. I don't know what to do. After we went to negotiate them to stay away from the construction site, they left.

Cheng Qingyin frowned slightly. As soon as she came over, the celestial masters left again, which was really depressing.

However, since those celestial masters are staring at the construction site, they will definitely come back. She is waiting at the construction site.

And several other construction sites also need to be better prepared. She will have to call one by one later.

"Next time I see those people, call me immediately and find a way to stay."

After telling her, Cheng Qingyin went to the construction site again to see the ghost workers, and let them know that she had come to Dongcheng and could continue to work at ease.

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