Chapter 93: They have been hiding some keys from her...

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Chapter 93: They have been hiding some keys from her...

Cheng Qingyin promised to give the female ghost named Li Xue a job.

She first put her in the jade card to continue to recuperate. When she recovered, she was ready to stay on the construction site to do handyman work. Before she confirmed the truth of what Li Xue said, this was also a kind of surveillance.

Li Xue's audio-visual was isolated again with spells, and Cheng Qingyin directly called all the ghosts who were working.

There are 400 or 500 ghosts on this construction site. The ghosts are powerful and the news is relatively wide.

"Everymen, how many of you have only come out of hell in the past three months? Raise your hand and let me have a look.

When the words fell, more than 20 ghosts raised their hands. The quantity is really a lot.

More than 20 ghosts may still know what she wants to know.

"Have you heard rumors of fierce ghosts who were caught in hell?"

This question is a lot of questions.

They came from different blocks of hell and heard from many ghosts living nearby that the ghosts of a certain family slipped into the sun to play. When they came back, they became fierce ghosts. They were directly caught into hell by Yinchao and never came back.

"Everyone said that those ghosts were directly destroyed by hell."

When he said this, the ghost couldn't help but lower his voice, looking very mysterious, and as if he were taboo.

Of course, lowering the voice is also psychological. Ghosts are smart and sighted, and there is nothing that can't be heard.

As soon as he said this, it immediately resonated with many ghosts.

"I heard about it too! The hell destroyed all the fierce ghosts sent back.

"To be honest, this is really too much. I've seen those fierce ghosts several times, and they haven't done anything bad at all. I don't know why there is such a heavy resentment.

"Yes, yes, I have also seen a fierce ghost sent back caught on the spot. Although he was a fierce ghost, she knew at first glance that there might be no evil debt on her body."


The ghosts discussed it with their mouths.

Cheng Qingyin found that not only those ghosts who came to the sun within three months, but also many ghosts who came to the sun for a year or two or two or three years have also heard of this.

At least half of the four or five hundred ghosts present heard of this matter and even saw it with their own eyes.

This shows that this has happened too many times in hell.

Moreover, they also revealed some disturbing news.

Many fierce ghosts who were caught in hell were not in evil debts. They should not bear too much punishment at all. After washing away their resentment, they should be released, but all the ghosts unanimously revealed that the fierce ghosts who were caught in hell did not come back.

This is completely different from Cheng Qingyin's common sense.

"When did this kind of thing start?"

She asked.

The ghosts talked about the time when they heard about it. Some of them have heard happened more than ten years ago, while others have been heard in recent years. It is difficult to trace an accurate time.

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