Chapter 97: Miaoshang Medical Center.

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Chapter 97: Miaoshang Medical Center.

After brainstorming, Cheng Qingyin finally adopted the method of telephone interview.

Let the interviewer and the expert only be separated by one wall. Using one-way transparent glass, experts can see the interviewer, so that it is not easy to be found abnormal by the interviewer.

As for follow-up communication, it can also be done. Even if doctors find something wrong for a long time, they can ask employees to sign confidentiality agreements like several other workplaces.

When it comes to the health and even life of patients, Cheng Qingyin's investment in the clinic is particularly generous. The treatment of doctors is 50% higher than the highest standard in the same industry, but many people soon came for interviews.

Experts conducted interviews, and Cheng Qingyin, with the help of Lu Yan, organized traditional Chinese medicine centers in Hangcheng, Dongcheng and Yucheng.

There are five in each of the three cities, a total of fifteen, and the patients can be fully diverted in the future.

In addition, I bought several sets of pharmaceutical equipment first, recruited a group of ghosts with relevant experience, and began to pharmaceutical.

After everything was ready, the Miaoshou Hospital opened.

As a newly opened traditional Chinese medicine museum, it has neither held activities nor opened a ribbon-cutting flower basket. Except for a few doctors, there is no customer, which seems particularly lonely.

Passers-by looked at the new brand and curled their lips:

"Why is it a clinic again, or is it mainly based on traditional Chinese medicine? Haven't you seen that the original clinic can't go?"

"Well, look, it will definitely close down in less than half a year."

After discussing like this, everyone was attracted by the billboard standing at the door.

"Ancestral special effects formula specializes in lung cancer, liver cancer, kidney failure, guaranteed to be cured in the early and middle stages, and can also be cured without excessive deterioration in the late stage. One month is the deadline, and there is no charge for the test indicators to improve. Those with poor family financial conditions can provide free treatment with proof of poverty..."

The three diseases listed above are the three terminal diseases with the highest incidence in China, which are very topical.

The sign gathered many nearby residents to watch. After reading the contents of the billboard, they said everything.

"True or false, can it cure cancer?"

"Don't they all say that traditional Chinese medicine treats cancer as a scam? This is mostly a fraud!"

"Yes, the store is not big, but the tone is not small!"

"But they said that the indexes improved before they collected money. If the family is in financial difficulties, they will also receive free treatment. I feel quite conscientious."

"No, no one will go. If you cheat people, you will definitely try your best to kill them!"

"Yes, if they can cure such a terrible terminal disease, do they still need to open a small clinic in such a place? It has long been famous all over the country!"

"Actually, you can also try it. Anyway, they write it in black and white. If the indicators don't improve, just don't give money. If the money is in their own hands, they can't grab it."

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