Chapter 53: Never let him go easily!

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Chapter 53: Never let him go easily!

"Take it honestly. Why did you scare the three of them at the same time?"

Cheng Qingyin questioned the female ghost.

The audience was surprised:

"Master Cheng, do you mean that the fierce ghost that pestered us is actually the same, that is, her?"

Cheng Qingyin explained to them that the ghost could not look the same. Zhang Yuqing, Yao Lin and He Mao are all veterans of the mall and think a lot. When they heard this, they all looked suspicious.

With Cheng Qingyin present, the female ghost couldn't move at all. The three people who were originally scared were not so afraid of the female ghost, and even dared to interrogate the female ghost.

"Speak it, why did you harm us!"

The female ghost stared at them with vicious eyes, roaring and struggling desperately like beasts.

Cheng Qingyin knew that this was because of the fierce ghost's resentment, it was difficult to communicate normally.

She pinched a super secret and exported aura to the fierce ghost, intending to defuse her resentment to the point of restoring his mind.

Everyone saw Cheng Qingyin flipped her hands, made a few gestures flexibly, and then pushed it at the fierce ghost. The fierce ghost screamed heartbreaking like a pig poured all over by boiling water.

With her scream, black smoke kept coming out of her body.

Everyone doesn't know what this is doing, but they dare not easily disturb Cheng Qingyin.

After about five or six minutes, the black smoke on the female ghost's body decreased to the naked eye, and her expression was not as fierce as fierce as before.

Cheng Qingyin knew that the female ghost had no threat, and there was still paintings in the room as a prison. She couldn't escape, so she continued to bind her with a net.

"Master, spare your life! Master, spare your life!"

Finding that she could move, the female ghost quickly knelt down and begged for mercy.

The perception of ghosts is so keen. She didn't notice the existence of this young female celestial master at all when she came in. Now as soon as the other party takes action, she knows that this is a horrible existence that can extinguish her as soon as she takes action.

Cheng Qingyin withdrew her hand and looked at the female ghost coldly:

"If you honestly explain the reason for the evil, I can not break you up, but send you back to hell."

Whether to do evil or not, the hell will make its own decision.

The female ghost trembled:

"I... I dare not... I said I would be in a daunted..."

Cheng Qingyin Ningshen explored the female ghost's body with aura and found that there was a confinement mark on the female ghost's forehead. Seeing this mark, Cheng Qingyin has completely determined that the female ghost in front of her is not out of her own will, but is controlled that talents will harm people.

"It seems that some people from Xuanmen have controlled her."

The female ghost's expression became flustered with the naked eye that she didn't dare to answer at all.

"So, it's Xuanmen who is trying to harm us!" Zhang Yuqing said angrily.

"Who the hell is it? I usually respect those Xuanshi, but I haven't offended them!" He Maodao.

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