Chapter 15: First Update.

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Chapter 15: First Update.

However, before she could meet the abominable ex-husband, a strong force swept her soul and pulled her back.

"Let go of me! I'm going to kill those two bitches!"

Huang Lanzhen's state became extremely irritable.

Cheng Qingyin pinched a fingerprint and hit her with an aura, sweeping away the strong resentment that had just emerged. Huang Lanzhen's congested eyes suddenly returned to Qingming.

Seeing that she could hear the words, Cheng Qingyin said:

"It's not worth it for such a person. I can help you in other ways."

They were too close to the three living people. Cheng Qingyin said it obscurely, but Huang Lanzhen understood.

These ghosts will eventually return to hell.

She sneaked at her relatives, and the punishment would not be too serious, but if she intervened in the fate of her relatives or even attacked them, the nature would be completely different. At that time, it will not only be as simple as closing the small black room, but will go to hell and be severely punished.

Master Cheng stopped her for her sole good.

"I'll listen to you, master."

After saying that, he looked at his daughter's face greedily.

When she died, her daughter was only thirteen years old. Five years later, she was already a little taller. She was a beautiful girl.

I hated that she died early. Liu Mijun married the dog again. Now she is obviously admitted to college, but she is forced to work. I don't know how much grievances she suffered when she didn't see it.

The motherless child is like a grass, her precious daughter, like a lonely weed for years, facing all the wind and rain alone, and no one has taken her place to protect her.

Thinking of this, her tears couldn't stop falling.

Cheng Qingyin walked over in the doubtful eyes of the three people and handed the cake to the battered girl:

"Liu Yueling, right? I'm a friend of your mother Huang Lanzhen. I happened to pass by here today and remembered that she mentioned that today was your birthday and came to send you a cake.

Liu Yueling still had tears on his face. Looking at the cake in Cheng Qingyin's hand, he was a little confused and surprised.

"My mother has passed away for more than five years, you..." The girl in front of her seems to be about her age. How could she be friends with her mother five years ago?

Cheng Qingyin did not explain so much, but said:

"Is it convenient to chat nearby?"

Liu Yueling nodded without hesitation. Instead of being beaten and scolded by her father here, she naturally wanted to leave.

"Smold girl, I didn't allow you. Who let you go?" Liu Mijun shouted angrily and said, grabbed Liu Yueling's hair.

Liu Yueling subconsciously wanted to pull back her hair with her hand. As soon as he raised her arm, her head was full of blue and purple marks. Some of them had even broken skin and bleeding, which looked shocking.

"Spirit!" Huang Lanzhen covered her mouth and cried, "Liu Mijun, a beast, can't do such a cruel hand!"

Cheng Qingyin turned around, quickly pulled Liu Mijun's arm and twisted it to the side.

Liu Mijun immediately screamed like a pig and loosened Liu Yueling's hair in pain.

Cheng Qingyin also saw the scar on Huang Lanzhen's daughter's arm. Thinking of the man's unsoft appearance when he hit her just now, she asked Huang Lanzhen's daughter:

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