Chapter 18: Treatment.

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Chapter 18: Treatment.

The cost of saving Zhang Yuxiong was so great that Tang Qianqian had made up her mind that she must find an excuse to refuse later.

But I didn't refuse before I saw Zhang Yuxiong, and I still couldn't make sense.

Even if it's really a little risky to go to the hospital at this time, what she has always created is the kind of image that although she treats three top suitors equally as a friend, she can do everything for her friends.

Therefore, knowing that there might be danger, she went without hesitation.

She believes in Zhang Kun's ability. In his previous life, he successfully inherited the position of the head of the family, and it was impossible to defeat Zhang Hu.

She hurried all the way to the hospital and took the elevator into the corresponding floor. She saw the bodyguard who fell to the ground.

She was steeply shocked. She looked at the surveillance camera in the corridor and dared not move forward:

"You... did you kill someone?"

At this moment, Zhang Kun came out of the ward. Seeing her, Yan Zhen's expression relaxed a little, and he strode up to welcome her:

"Qianqian, don't worry, we didn't kill people. These people were just shot by narcotics. You will wake up in an hour or two at most. I have also solved the monitoring of the corridor.

He is not stupid. Knowing how the police are waiting to catch Zhang's handles, how can he kill people in public with cameras in such a juncture?

Hearing what he said, Tang Qianqian was immediately relieved.

She is a public figure, and her relationship with murderers will seriously damage her reputation.

"That's good. I knew that Ah Kun was different from what they said. How is uncle doing now?" She looked very concerned about Zhang Yuxiong's illness.

As the two walked to the ward, Zhang Kun told her the situation:

"He has undergone surgery and never woken up. The doctor has basically confirmed that he will become a vegetable."

"However, there is Qianqian here. I believe all this is not a problem."

Tang Qianqian's body was stiff and then said:

"I will do my best to help you!"

The two walked to the ward together, and Tang Qianqian saw Zhang Yuxiong lying in the hospital bed without life at a glance.

His skull was removed and replaced with a temporary transparent medical device-shaped skull, with pipes and threads of various medical equipment inserted, and the whole room was full of blood and drug smell.

Tang Qianqian stepped forward and pretended to pick up Zhang Yuxiong's wrist pulse.

Seeing that she gradually frowned, Zhang Kun had some bad hunch and forced to suppress it until she put down her hand and asked eagerly:

"Qianqian, how is my father? Is there any help?"

Tang Qianqian made regret but loved help:

"A Kun, my uncle's condition is much more serious than I thought. I can only try my best to guarantee that he will really wake up."

Zhang Kun put all the chips on it this time. How could he accept such an answer:

"How come! Qianqian, as you said before, it's no problem to have you!"

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