Chapter 27: First Update.

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Chapter 27: First Update.

The old ladies saw that Meng Xiang's reaction did not seem to be fake, as if they really didn't know about it, so they were a little strange. The adoptive daughter helped repay 600 million yuan as much as the big thing as the adoptive mother didn't know at all.

Someone showed the online report to Meng Xiang.

"We didn't make up. Your adopted daughter said it herself. More than half a month ago, she asked her fiance to borrow 600 million yuan to pay off your debts, and the money was transferred to your daughter's card."

Meng Xiang blushed with anger after watching the video of Tang Qianqian being interviewed!

Their family is bankrupt, and whoever they give it, it is not the Zhang Kun designed and suppressed everywhere. Now, in Tang Qianqian's mouth, Zhang Kun seems to have become the benefactor of their family.

"She is talking nonsense! Her fiance is the culprit of the bankruptcy of my family! Why do you think he called us 600 million? That's because my daughter found that it was Zhang Kun who swept away my 600 million working capital in my house, and took out a strong evidence to force him to pay back the money!"

Hearing such a big melon from the other party, several neighbors, old men and ladies were very surprised and asked for details one after another.

Meng Xiang then took out how his family was designed to go bankrupt, and how Zhang Kun took people to beat their husband and wife after they went bankrupt. Then he was driven back by his daughter. He exposed Zhang Kun's instructions that people swept away the 600 million working capital of the Cheng family and forced Zhang Kun to return all 600 million yuan.

Of course, she didn't say anything about Zhang Kun being beaten into a pig's head by her daughter. After all, this is the handle of Zhang Kun held by her daughter.

Seeing that she said, she had a nose and eyes, and she was a little excited. The old men and old ladies in the community didn't know who to believe for a moment. They were originally a melon-eating crowd, and the most important thing was to tell the news to the people around them.

Not long after, Cheng Fenglin also came back. His clothes and hair were all dirty and smelly all over.

"What's the matter?"

Cheng Fenglin doesn't look good.

"I never thought Tang Qianqian would do such a thing..."

He told fifteen and ten things that happened in the morning.

More than half a month after the construction of his community, after completing the quality inspection, he hired some salespeople to sell the house. In order to deal with prices mobilely and supervise the work of sales staff at any time, he simply stayed in the sales department to commute to and from work with them.

Yesterday morning, three young girls suddenly came to the store. They found the sales department and asked if this was a real estate developed by Cheng Fenglin's family.

The salesperson was not clear, and when he saw Mr. Cheng every day, he naturally admitted it. These people clamored to see him.

As soon as they met, they took out their mobile phones and began to videotape. A girl who looked 17 or 18 years old looked contemptuous and asked him why she was embarrassed to receive the 600 million given by Qianqian.

He was confused at that time and asked 600 million.

The three young people suddenly splashed on Mars like oil-splashed firewood and suddenly burned in anger.

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