Chapter 84: Is this really what human beings can do...

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Chapter 84: Is this really what human beings can do...

Hearing her request, Qing Hongzi was amazed. He never thought that what Cheng Qingyin wanted was a fierce ghost.

"What are you going to do? Who the hell are you?"

It seems unreasonable for a celestial master to ask for money, magic weapons, charms and seals and even skills. It seems very unreasonable to only ask for fierce ghosts.

Cheng Qingyin keenly sensed the strangeness in Qinghongzi's tone.

She wanted to be fierce, and he first suspected her identity. This shows that he has met at least one group of people in the past and once needed the power of fierce ghosts.

Moreover, listening to the meaning of his words, I don't know that Qi Yunguan's fierce ghosts were subdued by her.

With this poor information, the possibility that she can come to those fierce ghosts will be greatly increased.

When his mind turned around, Cheng Qingyin was still indifferent on his face:

"What I want to do is not what you need to care about. If you don't want to be scattered, just do what I want.

"One hundred and fifty, impossible! My brother won't agree!"

One hundred and fifty fierce ghosts are the sum of almost all the existing fierce ghosts in the whole Qiyunguan.

Among these 150 fierce ghosts, those sent to the perspective are the current operational foundation of the perspective. Those left in the general view are also good seedlings for the best.

If all 150 fierce ghosts are given to Cheng Qingyin, it is equivalent to pulling out one-third of Qi Yunguan's minions.

Cheng Qingyin snorted coldly:

"It has nothing to do with me whether he answered or not. That's what you should figure it out." She took out the jade card and entered some yang qi into it. Qing Hongzi immediately screamed in pain.

The soul has obviously left his body, but he can still feel the damage of the soul, which is terrible.

Cheng Qingyin's cold voice sounded in his ears:

"If you don't let me see 150 fierce ghosts in three days... crush half of your soul, for me, it's just a matter of instant, okay?"


Qing Hongzi replied with pain. After being taught a lesson by Cheng Qingyin, he was much more obedient. Don't dare to show disobedience anymore.

- At least on the surface.

"There are other things to ask you, where have you gone except for what you left behind?"

Qing Hongzi's heart thumped. This matter is related to Qi Yunguan's biggest secret. He can never reveal it. Otherwise, even if he keeps the other half of his soul, as a traitor, he will not have a good end.

But I'm afraid this young female celestial master knows a lot of information about Qi Yunguan. For example, she seems to have known from the beginning that there are still 150 fierce ghosts in Qi Yunguan.

Now that I ask for such words, I'm afraid I already know that the fierce ghosts who have successfully refined are handed over to a second-generation disciple like them.

Eight out of ten | nine, maybe Xingluo fell into her hands and revealed the news.

In this way, if he wants to save his life, he has to think about what to say.

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