01. One Year Ago

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Outskirts of Clockwork Town - 5:56 p.m.

Another explosion is made, causing dust and debris to go into the air, making it difficult to see in the surrounding area. The blast creates a sudden gust, which the nearby citizens who are just out of harms way can feel sweeping over them, forcing them to move their hands to cover their eyes before they can look back at the ongoing battle.

On the other side of the battlefield the doctor narrows his eyes behind his goggles, trying to see what moves both combatants will do next.

Metal moves his eyes towards the left, scanning for his copy before leaning his head backwards, just missing a hit on his right. He retaliates by grabbing the outstretched arm, twisting his body counterclockwise, and throwing his opponent over head before launching himself towards his foe, aiming a punch of his own to the other's chest.

The moment Sonic lands on his feet, he sees his metallic copy rushing towards him and quickly drops to the ground, kicking his feet at Metal's in a sweeping motion, successfully tripping him over. Unfortunately for the hero, Metal instantly recovers and uses his right hand to grab Sonic's throat before using his momentum to slam the hero on the ground.

"Okay then," Sonic grabs a hold of Metal's hand, trying to pry it from him, "-you got my attention Eggman, so how about we make a deal."

The dust finally settles, allowing the onlookers to see the scene.

Eggman keeps his eyes narrowed for a moment before turning his attention to his left, seeing the young deer girl tied and hanging over a ravine before letting out a breath. "Sonic, you're clearly in no position to be bargaining with me right now."

"No?" Sonic uses his other hand to grab Metal's arm only for the robot to tighten his hold, slightly choking him. "Oh come on... I thought this was..." he moves his left leg to the side only for Metal to press his own knee against his thigh, successfully pinning him down. "-just between us... Why involve... everyone else...?"

Eggman hears the straining of the hero's voice before returning his attention to him. "It is between us, at least, that's what I would like to say," He turns his gaze towards Metal. "-but this is a test more than anything."

"A test?" Sonic chokes out, turning to attention to the doctor with narrowed eyes. "You'd risk... their lives... her life for... a test?" Something about this doesn't sit right with Sonic. Normally Eggman would be gloating over the fact that Sonic is in a dire situation, yet he seems off. Like he's almost bored with what's going on at the moment. 

The rope holding the hostage is starting to snap. "Someone please!! Help me!!! Sonic!!!!!!"

"Metal," Sonic tightens his grip on the arm, only to feel the hand tighten more around his throat. "-move! She's going to fall!"

Red eyes flicker before he digs his legs deeper into the hero, making the latter wince a bit.

"Metal... get off...!" Sonic tries to twist his body but can barely move and to make matters worse, he's starting to lose air.

Eggman places his chin in his hand, glancing from the scene in front of him before turning to see the hostage, hearing the rope tear some more before returning his gaze back to the hero. "Tick tock, Sonic. She's going to fall in a few seconds if you don't move."

Ignoring the burning in his throat Sonic closes his eyes, raises his quills up, slightly lifting himself off the ground. In doing so Metal's right leg just slips off of Sonic's, allowing him to bring his leg up to his chest and kick the robot off from him. Not a second sooner does Sonic run towards the captive only to stop when a laser blocks his path, forcing him to skid to a stop. Looking to his left, he sees Metal bring his hand down before launching at him once more.

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