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General POV
Riley woke up with a sigh, she was going back to school today. On one hand she greatly appreciated being able to return, and see her friends but on the other she would love to stay at the compound and do absolutely nothing all day. She is also nervous to see certain people and to see how others react, she knows there will be whispers.

Walking into the kitchen Riley rubbed her eyes groggily, she just wanted to go back to sleep. After waking up in the middle of the night she wanted to stay in bed for a little longer. Peter laughed at her as she walked into the room. "Lookin' a little tired there Riley" he said smiling widely. He also greatly appreciated being able to have his friend back at school.

"Shut up Pete" Riley said sighing, a light smiled etched upon her lips. It was a rare occasion that Riley would end up sleeping in, or would actually be tired enough to go back to sleep after a nightmare, but of course on the day that the rare event occurs Riley has to get up.

Riley sat at the table, scrolling through Pinterest, or flicking onto other apps. She was munching at her cereal not even looking at where her spoon was. This is what Natasha and Wanda walked in to. Wanda stifled a laugh at her girlfriend. Peter had slowly made his way over to Riley. He wanted to speak to her about something.

"Riley" he whispered gently. Riley jumped up, not expecting it. She had noticed him moving around but didn't realise how close he was.

"Yes Peter" She whispered back tiredly.

"So, I need some help with something that I want to do today" He said nervously.

"Peter, just spit it out" Riley replies, smiling. She had a good idea about what he wanted to tell her.

"So, I was kinda planning on asking MJ out today and I don't know what to say please help me!" Peter said, speaking extremely quickly.

"You are such a hypocrite sometimes, it was months ago when you told me to 'get some courage and ask Wanda out' and here you are terrified to ask MJ out" Riley exclaimed exasperatedly. She broke into a slight chuckle after a minute.

"Well I am coming to you for advice because you have practice asking out girls. I have never done that before!" He exclaimed. The duos conversations was beating heard by all of the Avengers in the room. Which consisted of: Steve, Bucky, Natasha, Wanda, Clint and Kate. Everyone else was either asleep, training or relaxing in their rooms.

"Pete just ask. And try not to ramble nervously. I did that and, just don't" Riley offered.

"Well maybe I should ramble nervously because if you did it are not no longer single maybe that's the answer" Peter exclaimed. "What is wrong with rambling I do it all the time"

"I don't know" Riley responded honestly.

"Then why did you tell me not to" Peter says sighing.

"I'm not sure, you are making me extremely stressed for you! Stop doing that" Riley exclaimed, slapping Peter lightly.

"Hey, I am nervous too" Peter responded shyly.

"Well I don't even know why you are so nervous because its clear that MJ likes you and I think you would make a great couple" Riley says.

Peter smiles "we could go on double dates as well"

"Woah, I think you should try and actually get a date with MJ first and you would have to ask Wanda and MJ if they wanted to. But anyway, focus on getting a date with MJ before anything else" Riley said. Wanda smiled at her girlfriend.

"But I'm so nervous" Peter whined.

"You think I was calm when asking Wanda out. It is stressful, a shit-tone stressful but totally worth it I might add" Riley said, grinning widely. "You can do it Pete, what is there not to love about you" Riley exclaimed, before jokingly adding,"I suppose there is this" while gesturing to all of him.

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