Chapter 1

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Astrid stretched awake, careful not to disturb Nesta as she woke her cold muscles up, it was always her on the end curled up next to Nesta and Feyre on the other end next to Elain. Astrid's back screamed as she moved to get out of bed, she had spent yesterday attempting to clean their cottage, scrubbing down the table and counters, careful to avoid the paints Feyre had adorned the house with. She loved her sisters' paintings, it brought some light into this shabby hobble, and made her days of keeping the house tidy and together not as long and dreary. Her favorite being the painting on their dresser, flowers for Elain, fire for Nesta, the night sky for Feyre and two cats for Astrid. One black with golden Hazel eyes and the other a soft calico with one grey eye and the other a dark deep purple.

The two cats represented the two that had followed Astrid home the day their mother died, 11 years ago. They followed her everywhere she went; they slept in the same bed as her, one at her head and the other at her feet. They would take turns hunting, never leaving their mistress alone. To everyone's surprise, they would even follow her into the woods. A dog could come running towards them, ready to tear them apart, and they would just stare at the animal until it retreated whimpering with its tail tucked between its hind legs.

The inhabitants of the small town the Archeron family now lived in, would walk a wide path around her, they had a strange fear of these small creatures. There was something in their eyes that made you feel that they could see all of the deep, dark secrets hidden in the crevices of your soul. Many questioned in hushed voices behind closed doors, why a family starving would keep two cats. What they hadn't seen was the unfolding of her father suggesting they eat the two cats. They didn't see the hunting knife that flew from Astrid's hand and lodged itself into the wall next to his head. They hadn't seen the glare coming from Feyre and Nesta, they didn't hear the cry that came from Elain.

The cats kept themselves well fed, occasionally they may come home with a small rabbit as a gift for their mistress and her family. It was always when the family was close to death and Feyre had been unable to catch them anything.

The day the cats had appeared, Astrid named the black one Cam and the Calico Ryn. The name Camryn had been one that brought a smile to her face, it felt like some distant memory she couldn't put her finger on. She dreamt of a lady with dark hair and brown eyes taking care of her. It felt like a life she had lived before, many years ago. While the thought of the woman named Camryn made her happy, she would always wake with silent tears. It was one of the only times Nesta would not wake angry but instead to hold her sister until she fell asleep again.

As Astrid finished stretching and had her legs dangling over the side of the bed, ready to push through today, she found Feyre already dressing to go out on a hunt. She didn't miss the ribs screaming at her on her sisters' sides, ribs she was sure mirrored her own. She said a silent prayer, to who, she didn't know, but a prayer, nonetheless. She asked that some luck may come their way and Feyre was able to find them some food. Astrid hadn't been able to catch anything in the snowy woods when she had been out last week helping while Feyre was on her cycle.

The sisters would switch responsibilities whenever it was Feyre's time to bleed. They thought it best so the animals couldn't scent her and run, not that Astrid was able to catch much in the winter wasteland. Today though, they were back to their normal arrangement. Both girls looked exhausted, like they could wither away at any moment, like one touch would break them apart.

As Astrid and Feyre quietly got dressed, Nesta and Elain began to wake, neither with much idea of what their day would hold. In the spring and summer time, Elain would tend a small garden of whatever flowers and plants she was able to get her hands on. As the plants began to die in the fall time, she would occasionally help Astrid in the house, but normally her and Nesta would sit and gossip about the towns people. Occasionally talking about a boy, they had their eyes on.

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