Chapter 22

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Astrid found herself lounging upside down on Amarantha's throne, grinning at anyone that looked at her. A grin that sent many scurrying past her, faces immediately turning to the ground. But the Vanserra brothers, especially Eris, always seemed rather intrigued with her day-to-day activities. Astrid had deemed the four a group of sadists and masochists, and she wasn't particularly inclined to figure out which each one was. She suspected Eris might be both, he was always more than excited to help Amarantha with whatever violent acts she had planned for court. He also seemed to enjoy having a dagger thrown at him, that much she figured out the other day.

Astrid's face reddened at the memory, hating that he had found her in a such a ... state. While it was no secret she enjoyed such activities in the bedroom, it was another thing for someone like him to find her after a dream like that. Something he sure hadn't let her forget, finding ways to make comments around his brothers or Amarantha. The wicked Queen found the taunting quite entertaining from what Astrid could tell, occasionally joining in on the torment.

The worst part of their teasing was when they tried to figure out who the mystery male had been. Their top three guesses being Tamlin, Rhysand, and Eris. All three options causing murderous thoughts to cross Astrid's mind, along with wanting to empty her stomach each time they mentioned it.

Even though she had already made it quite clear to the red-headed moron that he was not plaguing her mind at night, he seemed to enjoy tormenting her with the thought. She could understand where they would get the idea for Tamlin, she did make a show of flirting with him on multiple occasions, and he wasn't exactly unattractive. But there was one major flaw in their thinking, she had no attraction to blondes.

She could even understand why they thought it was Rhys, but that didn't mean it disgusted her any less. None of them knew he was her brother, they couldn't know, not till things were dealt with. She did spend a decent amount of time with him, but that was to be expected when someone finds a long-lost sibling.

The constant torment and questions from the Queen and brothers is what led her to where and how she was sitting now. Astrid knew that Amarantha would not be happy about her sitting on the Queen's throne, but it was her small way of inflicting pay back. Not the retribution she wanted, that couldn't happen, yet. So, it was small, petty things that would have to do for now.

"You know she won't be happy to hear your using her throne like this?"

Astrid glanced over to find Rhysand staring down at her, "Well, maybe she'll quit being such a bitch."

His shook his head, a look of amusement crossing his face, "I highly doubt this will be that catalyst."

"You never know till you try. What do you want Rhysand?" She asked, irritation seeping from the words.

He rose an eyebrow, "What has you in such a mood?" Suspicion and anger started to over come the amusement on his face, "Have the Vanserra's done something?"

She shook her head, "Nothing like that. Them and the Queen have found joy in tormenting me over something the past couple of days."

"What have they been tormenting you over?"

"Nothing I will be talking to you about. I'm dealing with it."

"I recognize that look, I've seen it on my friends face many times, what are you planning?"

Astrid grinned, "Something utterly fantastic."

Rhys narrowed his eyes at her, "That scares me, and scaring me isn't easy."

The grin reached her eyes now, "Oh it should, there won't be any little Vanserra's running around for quite some time."

"Well, why don't we take some time away from whatever evil concoction is brewing in that mind of yours and take a walk. I want to see something, and we can't very well test out my theory in the throne room."

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