Chapter 43 *

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Astrid stretched awake, the chilled wind of the Illyrian mountains ghosting over her exposed upper back, a gentle snore coming from the heated male next to her. She looked up at him, studying the elegant planes of his face as he slept beside her. She enjoyed seeing him like this, calm and relaxed, it was something she only got to see when he was asleep. He always worried about everyone around him or there was always some plan going through his head, but when he held her in bed, he could relax.

Astrid wished she could keep him like this forever, but she knew they'd have to return to the land of the living eventually. It was a miracle no one had tried to kill them in their sleep yet, they both slept like rocks, not much could wake the other. Az only ever seemed to wake up when she was having a nightmare and she only woke up if it was him calling to her. Nothing had ever tried to sneak up on her while she was sleeping though, maybe it was because she was always covered in a mini armory, or maybe her resting bitch face remained in her sleep as well.

She had no doubt that he would protect her while she slept though, because she would do the same for him. Astrid may not hear anything while she sleeps, but she had no doubt that her body would wake her up if they were in danger. It was a sixth sense for them both, they didn't need to hear it to know they needed to protect the other.

Her chest warmed as she gazed at him, this male had burrowed into her heart quicker than she ever would have thought possible. She hadn't thought that anyone could make her feel this way again, not after everything that had happened. But he had done so much more than help her love again, he helped her find the pieces of herself and put them back together. He didn't do the work for her, but he helped her find the strength and the will to do it. Az helped her realize that the males and females around her were never going to hurt her, they would keep her safe. He offered her a safe place to watch from afar, to watch how Rhys was with Feyre, how Cass helped Feyre, how both males were with Wren. Mor helped too, she gave her that female leadership she had always craved.

Astrid had never had a true mother, and she had come to terms with the knowledge that she never would. She had never really had an older sister either, never had that older female to help guide her. While Mor couldn't take on a motherly role, she had quickly stepped into an older sister role. Once Mor had found out about the dresses left by Astrid's mother, she looked at Astrid and told her she would go through them, figure out the different occasions they would be good for, pair them with the different accessories left.

Mor had sat and listened to her contemplate her bond with Az, smirking at her during most of her pros and cons lists. Once Astrid would be finished making her lists, Mor would step in to tell her how much of an idiot she was about each of the cons, pointing out how Astrid was letting her trauma steer the wheel. Mor would hold her if she started crying. She could give Astrid tough love when needed, but she could also just be there. Mor was the older female Astrid had craved since she was little, someone to help guide her through the courtly matters, to teach her how to be someone other than a warrior. Mor could teach her how to be a princess, not a meek one, a princess that could strike fear in those that need it and respect from the others.

The corners of Astrid's mouth ticked up as she brushed her fingers through his soft, black hair. He was her mate in every single way. Azriel was her Shadowsinger. He'd been her mate in her heart for a while now, but now everyone would know. Hints of cedar and the winds of Illyria would linger on her for the rest of her long life. Leather and roses would twine with his scent, telling all the females that would ever meet him, that he was incredibly taken. If Astrid had it her way, her scent on him would instill fear in all other females, dig out their eyes if they stared a second to long. But unfortunately, a scent couldn't do that, she trusted him with every cell in her body though. He probably wouldn't even notice them staring, he'd do what he needed to do and come home to her. He would always come home to her, he had proven that over the past few weeks. Az would leave for the human lands and come right back home, there was never the scent of another female on him. It didn't matter how frustrated or upset he was, he would always find her when he came home, and if he couldn't find her, he would send the shadows.

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