Chapter 18

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Astrid stood Infront of Feyre's cell, taking in her sisters' various injuries. The swelling around her eyes, the broken nose, all the bruising. She could hardly recognize the girl that lay before her. She wanted to help her, but she had never learned how to heal with magic. She didn't even know if it was a power she possessed.

Even if she could heal her, she probably wouldn't. It would risk to much with Amarantha, the female would begin to question things. Astrid needed things to play out in a very specific way, she needed the time to pull people to her side. Needed time to for Tamlin to wear down and give in, so the spell could be broken without any carnage.

Astrid knew enough from her studies, that Amarantha's hold on the High Lord's powers would break if she could kill her. But with the way she worded the one regarding the spring court, it was more likely that one wouldn't break. That specific spell was worded to well for Astrid's liking. It was part of why she never cared much for the spells Hybern cherished so dearly.

Astrid desperately wanted to wait until Feyre woke up, to explain everything that was happening. Why she was doing this, why she accepted Amarantha's offer. But she couldn't be caught talking to her, standing here was suspicious enough no matter how much she appeared to enjoy the sight. Astrid needed Feyre's hatred and reactions to her to be as real as possible. Astrid couldn't risk even the slightest slip up, so it had to be real, no acting on Feyre's part.

She turned away, making her way past the guards, and murmuring loud enough she knew they'd hear, "It's no fun when they don't wake up." Making sure there was no chance they could suspect something and report back to the wicked female.

She could hear the torturing beginning in the main cavern, knowing full well she should be there. She should be offering to torture them herself or ideas on what they could do. Astrid knew that Amarantha would question her absence, but there were to many things coursing through her mind to be able to act like she enjoyed the torture.

As she was stalking through the underground court, she saw Lucien approaching. Are you busy?

Astrid watched as Lucien stumbled a bit, chuckling to herself. Even if it was harder to hunt him here, she could still bother him. She was convinced that was her secret power, finding different ways to irritate and bother people. All of which, was far more fun with a partner in crime.

No, and I thought I told you to stay out of my mind.

You did. I don't like being told what to do.

You sure don't mind following Amarantha's orders.

Astrid rolled her eyes, using her power to flick his brain, grinning as he flinched. Others around him looking confused. Fuck off, go help Feyre. She looks like literal shit.

I'm surprised you care enough, after that display earlier.

I will always care, no matter what it looks like. Just go help her, and don't mention I asked.

Whatever Astrid, but don't be surprised when you have nobody.

You know nothing, Lucien.

After wandering around the pale halls, she managed to find herself at Wrenica's room. She lightly knocked on the door, hoping her closest friend would be there. She hadn't seen Wren while wandering around, and she didn't want to go back to the main cavern.

"Come in." Wren's soft lilting voice sounded from behind the door.

Astrid quickly opened to door and shoved it shut behind her, letting herself fall to the ground against it. She waited patiently as Wren closed the book she was reading, picked up a pillow and handed it to her. With no words exchanged between them, Astrid buried her face in the pillow and screamed. Releasing the anger, frustration and despair that was burying itself in her bones.

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