Chapter 20

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Astrid found her way into the kitchens, searching around for some bottles of wine and some snacks. She knew there was a stash of chocolate somewhere in this underground prison, she constantly saw Wren snacking on them. She had already found a tray of cheese; she just needed that sweet treat now.

"What are you looking for Astrid?" Wren's voice sounded behind her.

Astrid jumped, a small scream escaping her mouth, "Nothing! It wasn't me! I didn't do it!"

Wren snorted, "Are you looking for the chocolates?"


Wren shook her head, "They're in my room, I grab them the second they come in. Come on."

Astrid gathered her wine and cheese, and quickly followed after. She received a few weird looks as they made their way through the hall, Astrid snarled at them in response. A taller presence came up behind her and grabbed the wine bottles from her arm. Astrid spun around, ready to bite whoever had taken her precious wine.

"Woah there, I'm not into biting Astrid." Eris smirked down at her.

"Your scrawny ass better give me my wine back." Astrid growled at him, sounding more like a feral beast than a fae.

"Or what?" His smirk grew wider.

Astrid let out a deep, dark chuckle, "You know, I successfully tackled your brother on multiple occasions. I easily could have cut his good eye out. And that was just for fun. If you don't give me that wine back, I will hunt you, until you can't go or be anywhere without looking over your shoulder. Then, one day, you'll wake up strapped to a chair in a part of this mountain you didn't know existed. And I will slowly slice off your body parts and send them to your parents."

Wren stepped forward, placing a hand on Astrid's shoulder, "I would give her the wine back Eris."

Eris slowly handed the wine back and backed up with his hands raised, "My bad, didn't realize it was such a touchy subject."

Astrid continued to growl at him, imaging his head sitting on a spike next to a black throne. As a look of fear spread across his face, Astrid began to grin at him. "Never touch my alcohol or food again Eris. That liberty is sacred for one and one only."

"Let me guess, Wren?"

"Nope, they don't exist and never will." Wren and Eris raised their eyebrows in question, "Are we going to stay here or are you going to show me the chocolate? It's either you show me the chocolate or that one," She pointed at Eris, "Will lose a finger. Maybe a hand, I haven't decided yet."

Wren turned her around and pushed her friend towards her bedroom, turning around to look at Eris, "Go find some chicken, I think she's either tired, hungry, or both."

Wren pushed Astrid into the room, pointing to the couch in front of the fire. She pulled out some boxes and slowly handed them to the cranky female, stepping away to let Eris in with the chicken. The male also slowly handed the food to Astrid, a little more than slightly afraid of her. Wren and Eris took the armchairs that bordered the couch, both choosing not to say a word until Astrid was less likely to chop off various body parts.

After a whole box of chocolate, one bottle of wine, half the platter of cheese and half the roast chicken, Astrid seemed to calm down. She looked between Wren and Eris, "Why do you two look like your in a cage with a rabid dog?"

Eris raised an eyebrow, "You threatened to chop off my body parts..."

Astrid waved a hand at him, "I'm not responsible for what happens when I'm hungry."

Wren snorted, "You do that regardless of your level of hunger. You stabbed Tamlin because you thought he was thinking of touching your cake."

"He shouldn't have looked at the cake." Astrid went to open her second bottle.

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