Chapter 59

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The next morning Astrid sat out on one of the many balconies that lined the outside of the House of Wind, overlooking the city she now proudly called home. A bowl of fruit and a steaming hot cup of coffee sat on the table next to her as she hung upside down in her chair, staring at the glinting Sidra that runs through the city.

"Are you having fun?" Nesta called out as she approached.

Astrid crunched up enough to look at her sister, "Having a blast, you gonna join me?"

Nesta shook her head and sat down on the floor across from Astrid, "No, I was just taking a break from taking care of Elain. Have you planned what you're gonna do to her yet?"

Astrid scrunched her nose in irritation as she uncrunched her body and let her head hang back down, "I'm not planning anything Nes, there's just somethings I won't forgive."

"You know she didn't, and still doesn't, understand the concept of mates though." Nesta reasoned.

"I understand that, but he told her no, he actively avoided her. And even if mates weren't a thing, she still didn't respect our relationship. I can't just ignore that part." Astrid said as she swung herself back to sitting in the chair.

Nesta nodded slowly, "I just wanted to make sure you were considering everything. Would it make a difference if she apologized?"

Astrid barked out a laugh, "At this point it's not me she needs to apologize to." Nesta cocked her head in confusion, pushing Astrid to explain further, "Yes, she disrespected my relationship, but she also disrespected Az. After everything that happened to me in Hybern, I can't have someone in my life that doesn't respect when someone else says no." Nesta went to respond but Astrid cut her off, "I know you guys don't know what happened, and I don't super want to talk about it right now, but that doesn't excuse what she did."

"I know, you don't have to tell me, but I'm here if you decide you want to talk about it." Nesta said softly as she got up. She gave Astrid a small smile before she made her way back inside.

Astrid slumped down in her seat and sipped at her coffee. Her leg bounced as she picked at her fruit bowl. When she had originally made her way out to the balcony, her stomach had ben rumbling, but now it felt more like a boat out at sea in a storm. Her appetite had vanished as she talked to her sister, but she didn't want to waste the fruit she had cut up.

For a few brief moments she considered trying to see if she could throw the pieces all the way into the sidra, so she could feed the fish. But her thoughts were once again disturbed as a shadow fell over her.

Astrid tilted her head back slightly; a happy grin twisted the corners of her mouth up as she took in the handsome Illyrian spymaster that stood over her.

"What's going on in that head of yours, my mischievous little Night Cat." Az asked, his voice dark and smooth.

Astrid let out a happy sigh as she answered, "I was gonna try and see if I could throw my fruit in the Sidra..."

Az let out a low chuckle, "Why aren't you eating it?"

"I was going to, but Nesta came to see me and was basically trying to see if I was gonna make up with Elain." Astrid said, scrunching her nose.

Az looked at her for a moment before he leaned down and slowly took the piece of fruit she was holding between his lips. Astrid's eyes followed the movement as her tongue darted out of her mouth to wet her lips. One of his dark eyebrows rose up as he glanced over at the bowl of fruit. She quickly grabbed another piece, offering it to him. They repeated this with a few more pieces until Astrid was squirming in her chair.

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