Chapter 52

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Over the next two days, Wren helped Amren while she tried to crack the code. She didn't have the knowledge or history that Amren did, but she was very good at figuring things out, and she had a special set of skills that helped her handle cranky, murderous females.

Eventually, Rhys and Mor left for an early afternoon visit to the Court of Nightmares to return the Veritas to Keir. Astrid wasn't allowed to go. Cassian had started receiving reports that the Illyrian legions were now camped across the mountains, waiting for the order to fly out wherever the first battle would take place. No word came from Elain or Nesta and no report had come that they decided to join them in Velaris. An offer that Astrid had grumbled about vehemently, she wanted Elain no where near her new home, but she was Feyre's sister so she would have to learn how to deal with it if they changed their minds.

Astrid had happily gone along with Cass and Az's idea to move into the townhouse while Rhys and Mor were gone. It gave her the chance to begin getting to know Feyre again. It also gave her the chance to try the very old bottles of wine that Rhys kept around. She and Cass had successfully gotten shit faced on it, resulting in Az having to take care of them both. Something Astrid was all too happy to let happen.

As a punishment, when Astrid was nursing a lovely hangover, Az told her she was going on patrol with him. Astrid grumbled and complained until they were walking along the shore, where she had quickly ripped off her boots and socks. She curled her toes in the sand and dipped her head back with her eyes closed, the warmth from the sun spread over her skin. As she took a deep breath of the salt-tinged air, she could feel eyes on her.

She slowly turned around to find Az staring at her, one side of his lips tipped up in a smile and his eyes softened from their earlier irritation. "Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked softly.

He walked closer to her and wound an arm around her waist, successfully pulling her against him. "Because you're gorgeous Astrid. Even when you find a way to press every single one of my buttons, you're still the most stunning creature in the universe. But there's moments that I see you just existing in the world, and I still can't believe you're mine. I don't think I could ever thank the cauldron enough for making me yours." He dipped his head down to capture her lips with hers.

A single tear dropped down her cheek and Az broke from their kiss to wipe the tear away. But, before more words could be exchanged, a noise on the horizon pulled them from their moment. They both looked upon the encroaching enemy, neither sure of what was coming, but by the dots that were appearing, they knew it was a lot.

Astrid quickly slipped her socks and boots back on while Az took inventory of the various weapons he had strapped across his body. Before long it became clear what was intending to attack their home, Hybern's minions. As countless Attors and various other kinds of flying Fae came into view, unresolved anger and rage began to boil in Astrid's chest.

Before he could take off, Astrid grabbed Az's arm. He easily turned to face her as she whispered, "Come back to me Azriel."

"As long as you come back to me." He answered, pulling her closer again so he could place a kiss to her forehead.

He stepped back from her and took off into the sky, the power from his wings stirring the sand. Her chest tightened in fear for him, she knew he was more than a capable warrior, he was one of the best. But he was the other half of her soul, and she didn't know what she would do if something happened to him. She wanted to be in the air with him, watching his back, making sure he was OK, but she'd only just learned to fly.

The tightness in her chest released slightly as she got glimpses of red in the sky, Cass was up there with him. He would watch out for him. He would keep her mate safe. Astrid took a few calming breaths, she let all thoughts clear her mind, and then she let the mask she needed fall into place. It was a mask she wore comfortably; one she knew front and back before it was ever given a title. The Warrior.

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