Chapter 35

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Astrid's face was hot from embarrassment and attraction, embarrassed at how she had reacted to Elain and attracted to the way Az had just handled her reaction. She remembered the last time he had grabbed her chin that way, the lust that had darkened his gaze as he had taken in her body. She remembered how his lips felt against hers, even briefly. She remembered how they had felt kissing her body. His lips were soft and warm in her dream, and her curiosity to compare dream vs. reality was growing by the seconds.

She could feel her mind surrendering to the mating bond, and she was strangely ok with that. She had thought she would fight it more but any reason she had to fight was quickly burning to ash. This big and powerful male was hers and she was his, eventually she would accept this bond, there was no question about that. She just needed to work through the blizzard of emotions she has, process what happened in that dungeon.

Astrid knew that he would stay by her side through it all, she could accept the bond right now and he wouldn't act on anything until she asked. But that didn't feel right to her, to accept the bond and not seal it with that intimacy. It would be like Elain marrying this human boy and putting off her wedding night.

It was this knowledge that made it so easy for Astrid to lean into him, to surrender to the bond. The knowledge that he would wait or walk away, that he would do whatever to make her happy.

"When did you get fangs Astrid?" Rhys's voice pulled her from her slightly naughty thoughts.

"When Dagdan and Hybern's other lackeys pulled my teeth out." Astrid shrugged, "Guess they didn't like getting bit."

"You can bite me anytime Astrid." Cassian said with a wink, earning another warning growl from Az.

"If I bite you Cassian, it'll be to rip your throat out." Astrid's lips twisted into a wicked grin, "There's only one male that I'll bite for pleasure, and it's not you."

Az choked on his food, shifting in his chair as Rhys let out a disgusted groan, "Alright, I don't want to hear about my sister's bedroom activities."

"Sister?!" Nesta exclaimed, still sitting froward from Astrid's hissing episode.

Astrid's grin quickly changed to a shy one as she looked over at her sister, "Did I forget to mention that Rhys is my brother?"

"Your brother?!" Nesta exclaimed again.

"Yea like we have the same mom and dad?" Astrid gave her a teasing look.

"I know what it means Astrid! You had all day to mention this!" Nesta narrowed her eyes at Astrid.

Astrid noticed Az leaning forward, a low, quiet growl beginning to permeate the air from his direction. Astrid's heart fluttered at the show of protectiveness, "I'm sorry Ness, I was just distracted by seeing you and Elain again, it's been so long since I've seen you guys. I promise I was going to tell you."

Nesta huffed as she sat back, Astrid relaxing as well and nudging Az's boot to let him know all was ok. She didn't feel as foolish with her territorial reaction after seeing his reaction to Nesta. She waited till she saw him relax and return to eating before she joined him. With her fae body back, the food lacked any taste, but food was food to her. It was strength and regardless of taste it would provide her with the energy to continue physically healing. The stronger she was physically the stronger she felt mentally and emotionally.

She glanced over at Feyre, after noticing where Nesta's gaze was now directed. Feyre looked like it took a lot of effort to eat her food with a straight face, it was more than likely the first time she had eaten non-fae food since being transformed.

"Is there something wrong with our food?" Nesta asked flatly.

"No." Feyre swallowed hard and gulped down some water.

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