Chapter 25

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Astrid was unsurprised to find herself standing in front of the dais of the pretentious Queen, her hands locked together behind her back, an easy way to keep herself from seeming nervous. She refused to be seen as nervous in front of the murderous female, refused for her inability to stand still in this moment to be perceived as weakness.

Every bone in Astrid's body itched with excitement as the third task drew nearer, she could taste death in the air. Who would die, she was unsure of, but death was coming. She knew for certain that either she or Amarantha would walk away from this mountain, but it would not be both.

But she was not raised to be a blood thirsty soldier, she was raised to be a General. A General that could devise a plan that would bring victory, whether it be through bloodshed or games. A good General knew when to use their soldiers, when to use their spies and when to use both together. A great General knew when to use themselves, whether they be skilled with a sword or their tongue, and when to delegate. An excellent General could fill the shoes of both soldier and spy. She was raised to be an excellent General, and that meant biding her time and resisting the urge to drive a sword through this false Queens head. To watch the life fade from the females' black eyes. The same black eyes that were currently fixated on Astrid, displeasure obvious across her face.

"I have debated what to do with you. That show you and Wrenica put on at the second task, explain it now." Her words were demanding, that of someone who believed they deserved to know everything.

"I no longer wished to be there and had just gotten sick, Wrenica was assisting me on leaving." Astrid chose her words carefully, not wanting to reveal anything that was not necessary.

The treacherous Queen's black eyes bore into her, as if they were trying to peer into her soul. "And you were so sick, you couldn't ask to be dismissed properly? You couldn't walk out? You had to be dragged out by someone as low as a ward?"

Astrid resisted the urge to clench her jaw, not wanting her to see how the insult towards her friend had affected her. "Yes, I just... emptied my stomach, on Lord Eris's shiny shoes. I feared if I stood again and came to you, I would have done the same to you. Unfortunately, Wren is not strong enough to carry me out and I did not think you would appreciate or approve of Rhysand carrying me out."

Amarantha raised an eyebrow, some of the displeasure melting from her face. A good sign for Astrid, "While I appreciate the consideration, when you came in the cavern that day, you did not appear sick. Care to explain that."

Astrid let out a huff of frustration, the one emotion she would allow herself to show. "I made a drunken mistake after the last party I attended, and Lord Eris reminded me of that. The memory brought on a bout of sickness."

Amusement began to replace the displeasure now, "If you wish to keep Wrenica from punishment my dear Astrid, I want to full story. And I believe that includes this drunken mistake."

Astrid shifted in place, "I woke up the next morning in Lord Eris's bed, something I must live and suffer with for the rest of my days."

Amarantha barked out a laugh, "He is not an ugly male Astrid, you talk as if he is a Wyrm." A devious grin crept on the Queen's face, "Speaking of Lord Eris, I've been speaking with his father, Lord Beron."

Astrid detested the look on the females' face, especially combined with the mention of that Lord. "May I be privy to what this discussion has been about?"

"I can always tell when you're plotting or unhappy, you become so proper. But yes, it does include you my precious Heir."

Astrid's throat bobbed as she swallowed, her nerves showing briefly. "What about me, my Queen."

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