Chapter 42 *

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Astrid had jumped for joy when Rhys had arrived at the House of Wind frustrated the night they got back from the Court of Nightmares. It seemed Feyre had said some rather hurtful things to him, and he was now open to helping with her plan, at least for now. Astrid had chosen to only disclose steps of the plan as they were coming up, because once he had forgiven Feyre, Astrid figured he'd probably step away from the plan.

That night, she had sent Rhys and Camryn to wait for Feyre to step outside, with a net full of sticks. Rhys, who had arrived back at the house howling with laughter, tried his hardest to explain the look that had crossed Feyre's face when she realized what was happening.

After Rhys had managed to calm himself, they all fell into stories about their times training and what they did when they were all younger. Astrid had loved hearing about Rhys when he was younger, she loved hearing about the things the three males would get up to.

Wren, Astrid, Cass, Az, and Rhys had fallen asleep out in the main room of the house. Astrid and Az were cuddled up on the bigger couch, Wren was sprawled out on the floor, Cassian had his head hanging off one arm of a chair and his legs off the other, and Rhys was sleeping on the smaller couch. Astrid had managed to be the first one awake, sleepily looking around the room with a soft smile.

She couldn't help but wonder if they would have had similar nights with Mor if she had never been sent away. A long night spent talking and laughing, her heart ached at the thought. It was easy when she thought this way to realize that she would have met Az sooner, she would have met her mate. But what if that made him not her mate? What if they were mates because they had such similar experiences? Because they understood each other's pain?

But none of that mattered, because she was here now, she had him now. She had a family, the most important kind, a chosen family. A group that chose to be with her, knowing who she was, what she had done, but they still chose her, all of her. Not one part of her, not the parts they liked, but every single part of her.

She'd had regular family before in Hybern, but that family was completely fucked up. She had a family with the Archerons but after their mother died, that had fallen apart as well.

But here, in the Night Court, in Velaris, she he had her brother who would do anything to protect her. She had her mate who would always take care of her, just as she would him. She had her best friend, who was so much more than a friend, she was like a sister. She had a blooming friendship in Cass, one that was veering towards best friends the more he indulged her vindictive side. She was beginning to forgive Feyre, slowly, but it was happening. Amren was like her cool aunt. And she was growing closer to Mor, who had taken over the big sister role for her.

And it was Mor that would be meeting her back at the palace today, to get ready for Starfall. Mor had been going through the wardrobe left by her mother, sorting through the clothes, and putting things aside for different sorts of occasions. And according to her, she had found the best outfit for Astrid tonight.

Once everyone had woken up, the three males had dropped Astrid off at the palace before going in search of the fae that had tried to kill them yesterday.

Astrid strolled leisurely through the palace, taking in the different rooms and imagining the life she might have had here. Tears pricked her eyes as she made her way to the room that would have been hers. Mor looked up at her with a bright smile from the bed, her face quickly turning to a frown as she hurried over to Astrid.

Mor wrapped an arm around Astrid and steered her towards the bed, "What's wrong, sweet girl?"

Astrid choked out a laugh, "I'm not sweet."

Mor rolled her eyes, "You can be, I've seen you with Az, but what's wrong?"

"I just..." Astrid took a slow, deep breath, "I've been thinking about what my life would've been like if I grew up here..."

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