Chapter 11 *

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As the weeks passed, Astrid and Wrenica filled their days with following Lucien and exploring the estate, looking for anything that would give them insight on what Tamlin was hiding. Their search through the house came up short, frustrating Astrid to no end.

Astrid had decided she was going to take her frustration out on Tamlin's office, slowly moving things around. Taking small things out of the office entirely, sometimes leaving them as "gifts" at his bedroom door.

Camryn spent their days terrorizing the forest animals, similar to how she terrorized the two fae males.

Astrid was in the middle of rooting through Tamlin's office again when she felt a familiar energy entering the estate. She made her way down to the gardens, trying to place why it was so familiar. As she neared the source, she found Tamlin and Lucien standing in front of a creature. The creature had large, leathery wings, clawed hands and sharp silver fangs. It towered over Astrid, but no fear coursed through her body.

"I know what day it is." Tamlin said through clenched teeth.

"Your continued behavior is garnering a lot of interest at court." Astrid studied the creature a bit more, the memory of the creature finally coming forward, "She has begun wondering – wondering why you haven't given up yet. And why four naga wound up dead not too long ago."

Astrid stepped forward from the shadows she had instinctively hid in, "I see she's still playing the role of an idiot then?" she sneered at the Attor.

She watched his eyes widen in shock, "Princess, it's been so long, last we heard you were living in the human world."

Astrid growled at it, "It's General to you, or have you forgotten? You know what I love to do to those who forget." Her lips curled back, as she moved around him. Noticing Tamlin and Lucien's look of shock as she went head-to-head with the towering creature.

"N-n-no General, I beg your forgiveness; I beg your mercy. I meant no insult to you, I was just in shock at seeing you again, it's always an honor to be graced with your presence."

"What business do you have here?"

"She wanted me to come and remind the High Lord of his... deal."

"And what is this deal, hm?" She cocked her head to the side, hiding any hope behind her wall.

"I'm sorry General, I'm not at liberty to say..." Panic coursed through his eyes.

"And why is that? Or would you like to lose a wing?" She snapped.

"She would get mad if I said, no outsiders are allowed to know." There was a slight shake to his voice.

"So, you choose to obey her and classify ME as an outsider?!" She snarled as she took out her sword, pointing at him, "I out rank her!"

"Not here General, back home you do, but not here." He stepped back, readying to take off.

"I should gut you here and now, but I have other plans." She dropped her sword, "If you tell her I'm here, I will cut your wings off, piece by piece. And I will feed each piece to you until both wings are gone. After that, I will take out each organ – one at a time, and feed those to you as well. Until you die of course."

The Attor swallowed deeply before disappearing, Astrid slowly turning to the two males. She eyed them, still in her general mindset, a mindset she had been struggling to stay away from. But it had been to easy for her to slide into it when she the Attor. It was apart of her the human Astrid would have hated, would have found disgusting and Vial.

She assumed by the looks on their faces, that they were thinking the same thing. That she was just like Amarantha and Hybern, she was a blood thirsty monster. She didn't want to be but it's who she was raised to be, who she was trained to be.

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