Chapter 21 *

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A male pushed Astrid's naked body against the wall, grabbing her wrists and holding them above her head with one hand. His other hand brushed along her cheek before grasping her chin, lifting her face so her violet eyes met his hazel ones. She watched as his eyes slowly moved to her mouth, gliding down her body. Her breath hitched in her throat as a warmth spread through her, settling between her legs. Her breasts pebbling against the cool air of the room and under his intense gaze.

He raised his eye back to her lips, slowly leaning in to brush his soft, warm lips against hers. He lightly kissed along her jaw and down her neck, stopping at her collarbone before working his way back up. A soft whine escaped Astrid's lips, rubbing her thighs together, desperate for any sort of friction. The chuckle that came from the male, was low and dark, another wave a warmth surging through her body in response.

"What do you want, Astrid? Use your words." His voice was dark and smooth, the sound of her name leaving his lips sending shivers down her spine.

"Touch me, please." Astrid begged, surprise washing over her, she hardly ever begged, especially not with a male.

A grin began on his face as he gazed up at the hand holding her wrists, dropping the hand that held her chin. Still keeping his body from pressing against her, "You'll have to be more specific, because it appears I'm already touching you."

"Kiss me, fuck me, touch me. Please." Astrid whined.

He took a step closer to her, still not letting their bodies touch, "Where do you want me to kiss you, Astrid?"

The shadows that surrounded him, moving around her wrists, continuing to hold them above her head as he slowly slid his hand down the side of her body. She held her breath as his fingers brushed across the side of her breast and lightly settled on her waist. Astrid tried to swallow, finding her mouth to be dry and her heart thundering against her chest.

"Use your words, princess." His voice almost a growl.

"Anywhere." Astrid whispered.

The male lifted an eyebrow, dipping his head so his lips pressed against hers, harder than the time before but still not the pressure or passion she was needing. "Here?" He mumbled against her lips, Astrid humming her response as his head dipped to her neck. He nipped at the sensitive spot on her neck, "Here?"

"Uh huh." Astrid moaned lightly, her mind swirling too much to wonder how he knew about that spot.

He kissed along her collar bone, moving to place his mouth around one of her nipples. Astrid groaned, letting her head fall back against the wall. His grip tightened on her waist, his tongue flicking across the bud before he drug his teeth across it. Then moving his head to do the same to her other breast.

He pulled his head back slightly, looking intently into her eyes, "How about there?"

"Fuck, yes." She breathed in response.

Astrid watched as he dropped down to his knees, her eyes passing along his shirtless, muscled chest. Wishing that the leather pants that molded around his muscled thighs would disappear so she could see the cock that was obviously pressing against the front. 

Her body shuddered as he grabbed her thighs, placing them over his shoulders. "What about here?" He breathed against her as he brought his tongue through her, growling against her as he tasted her arousal. He brushed his teeth against the sensitive bud before he brought it between his lips, sliding a finger in her at the same time.

Astrid let out a deep moan. The feeling of his rough hand against her waist, the feeling of his finger thrusting slowly inside her, the feeling of him sucking and flicking his tongue against her most sensitive spot, building a pressure in her core. Her wrists struggled against the shadows, desperately wanting to run her hands through his dark hair.

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