Chapter 29

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Azriel caught Astrid who had just fallen from the sky encased in shadows, her blue stone hilted sword clattering to the ground. He had been around enough wounded to know she didn't have much time left if they didn't get the bleeding under control and she currently had blood pouring out of her back. There was so much blood that it was nearly impossible to determine what kind of wound was causing it.

"Cass, clear off the table now!" He ordered his friend.

The group worked quickly to make a place for Azriel to lay her limp body, even the trembling Feyre. Mor had carefully moved her sword somewhere it wouldn't be in the way and Amren began situating the supplies the house had delivered for them.

Once the table was cleared off, with the help of Wren, Astrid was placed on the table with her back up. Four hisses rang through the room once her back was in clear view for them, all three males present that had wings and Feyre.

"I've seen a wound like that before..." Feyre whispered with her hand moving to cover her mouth in horror. "Back in the spring court... there was a male fairy that had his wings ripped off... he didn't survive..."

"We can't think like that right now." Azriel looked at each fae present in the room pointedly, "If anyone cannot handle this, leave now. We need focus and to stay positive if we're going to help her through this."

Nobody made a move to leave, but nobody made a move to start working on her still bleeding wounds. Nobody knew where to start, while four of them had seen horrible and life-threatening wounds on the battlefield, this was not one of them. The only one who had seen something like this was Feyre, and that fae had not survived.

"I don't know what happened to her, but I will not lose another family member. We need to find a way to stop this bleeding and clean her off to make sure there's not more injuries contributing." Rhys stepped forward, directing his gaze at Azriel and Cassian. "We need one person holding pressure on each stump..."

Azriel quickly grabbed some of the towels the house had provided and moved to hold them against her right wound, Cassian quickly moving to follow suit with the left wound. Wrenica grabbed Feyre and took the rest of the towels along with the bowls of water and began working on cleaning the blood and dirt from her friend, shoving a wet towel in Feyre's hand so she could do something. Amren began shifting through the rest of the supplies to see if there was anything else they could use to help, Rhys had flown Mor down so she could go find the healer Madja before quickly coming back.

Within moments, Azriel and Cassian had gone through all of the towels and Astrid was still bleeding, color continuing to seep from her already to pale skin. Rhys cursed loudly, running his hands through his hair in frustration. Azriel glanced over at Astrid's sword and over at Wren.

"You're from the Autumn Court, right Wren?" He asked, a plan forming in his mind.

Wrens' eyebrows knotted together in confusion, "That's where I grew up and where my mom was from, why?"

"What abilities did you inherit from your parents?" His voice was growing hopeful. 

"I have a bit of fire manipulation and that's about it. What are you thinking?"

Azriel quickly went over and grabbed Astrid's sword, "Can you heat the blade up? Just enough to be able to cauterize the wound?"

Wren quickly nodded her head, understanding finally shining in her light blue eyes. She reached her hand forward to wrap around the blade Azriel was holding towards her. The blade slowly began to glow, causing Azriel to wave her hand away and quickly moved to press the hot metal against the right bleeding stump. The blood sizzled under the blade, the scent of hot iron filling the room. After a couple moments he pulled the blade away, hope quickly filling his face as they noticed blood no longer poured from the stump. He thrust the blade back towards Wren, his silent demand for her to heat the blade again so he could continue the same process on the left stump.

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