Chapter 5 *

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"We're not going to bite." Lucien grinned towards Feyre.

Astrid looked up from her food, noticing her sister slowly making her way into her seat, looking uncomfortable as Lucien's gaze continued to be fixed on her. A similar grin appeared on Astrid's face as she leaned her chin on her hand, "What if I want you to bite?"

Tamlin choked on his wine, getting up and stalking towards Feyre, beginning to pile food on her plate. Lucien looked at Astrid, a playful glint sparking in his russet eye, "I'm happy to accommodate that request anytime for you Astrid."

A giggle came from Astrid, Lucien raising his eyebrows in response. Astrid pointed towards the window directly behind him, where Camryn could be seen peering through. Their eyes narrowed at Lucien and ears laid down flat.

"It seems Camryn would prefer I keep my teeth to myself." Lucien muttered with a gulp.

Astrid went back to her meal, catching the tail end of Feyre and Tamlins conversation, "It's an honor for a human to be served by a High Fae."

"How come neither of you served Astrid then?" Feyre said with raised eyebrows, almost like a challenge.

Tamlin, Lucien, and Astrid all shared a quick look before Lucien quickly cut in, "Astrid didn't give us much time, she went straight in for the food."

Astrid studied her sisters face, looking for any sign she may suspect something else going on. She let out a small breath when nothing seemed to say she thought anything else, quickly going back to eating. It was common for Astrid to selectively listen or completely ignore everyone while she ate, it had always been the one time she could get some semblance of relaxation. Here in Prythian would be no different, at least not until Feyre learned to relax and accept her fate.

Astrid couldn't quite understand why Feyre was so insistent upon not eating. She knew her twin was desperate to get back home, Astrid would probably stay behind rather than go back. She had to much to figure out and learn. She also loved that Camryn seemed to feel comfortable leaving her for longer periods of time.

Astrid tried to make eye contact with Feyre, trying to signal for her to eat. If she wanted to leave that bad, she would need to gain her strength to have any chance of getting through those woods. She likely would have difficulty finding the hole in the wall. Then have to make the two-day trek back to the cottage.

She struggled with the thought of letting Feyre go alone, but a big part of her felt like she was home in Prythian. Camryn seemed happier and was more than eager to cross that wall, she couldn't stand to take that away from them. Even if she asked Camryn to stay, she knew deep down they would follow, loyal to a fault. But Astrid didn't want to go home, a big part of her was mad at their father.

She figured that he had known the whole time that she was at least not his daughter, that she wasn't an Archeron at all. She couldn't be mad at him about her identity being hidden, someone else would have had to do that, someone with magic.

If she followed her sister back across the wall, she would have to hide herself. But how long could she hide that? How long could she hide the ears, the glow these beings gave off? As far as she knew it was only the ears that had surfaced on her, but Tamlin could also be glamouring any other features. The one nice thing he had done for her so far, but that didn't mean she liked him.

She made a mental note to ask Tamlin to teach her glamouring later, or to at least help her find out whether it was something she could do. Step one in her own master plan. She thought the more she explored her identity as a High Fae, the more likely she was to unlock hidden memories or abilities, either would help her and them identify where she had come from.

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