Chapter 56: Part 3 *

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Sunlight filtered into the room as Astrid stretched awake, her muscles ached like she had been beaten almost to death, but she hadn't been the one that was injured in Hybern. She tried to sit up in bed, worry coursing through her paired with the need to find her mate and make sure he was alive. But she was stopped by the heavy arm that was banded around her stomach, an arm that tensed when she tried to move away from the warm, hard body it was attached to.

Astrid slowly rolled over and smiled when she found the elegantly handsome face of her mate. The male who had held, comforted, and protected her when he had been severely wounded. His eyes were still closed and his face relaxed when she stopped trying to sit up or move away. She raised a hand up to brush her fingers against his face, memorizing his face as much as she could.

Their adventure into Hybern had reminded her how dangerous their lives were right now, that anything could happen, and she never wanted to forget him.

Her hand trailed from his face down his muscular arm, Astrid explored his body lightly, not wanting to wake him. Az needed the rest, which was evident by the white bandage that was wrapped snuggly around his chest. Her heart hurt at the sight of it, she never wanted to see him hurt, she should have been able to protect him. But her trauma paired with whatever happened to her when she was in the presence of the Cauldron had slowed her reactions, had slowed her mind.

Astrid moved her hand slowly to the spot where the arrow had pierced him, she summoned her shadows to investigate the wound. She searched for any lingering signs of the poison and was relieved to find that it was completely gone, and that the injury was healing nicely. As she withdrew, she felt the presence of two other magics, two signatures she was familiar with. One because Astrid had been healed by it before and the other because it was someone she had begun to fully trust.

Madja and Mor had worked their healing magic into Az's wound when she had been unable to help him. Astrid still hated that she hadn't been able to be there for him, but that didn't overshadow the happiness and relief at having him alive beside her.

At the beginning of her relationship with Az, she would have hated the idea that Mor was even thinking about touching her mate, but now, all she could be was thankful. Astrid could understand the necessity of it in this situation and she had no territorial instincts towards Madja. They saved her mate, and for that she owed them a life debt.

Astrid let out a shuddered breath as she leaned her forehead against Az's, her worry slowly dissolving in her, because he was here and alive. They were both stubborn assholes, they weren't leaving each other anytime soon, not if they could help it. And if something happened, they would burn the world to get back to each other, they would do whatever was needed. Because they were it for each other, there would never be another fae or human.

But, as that worry receded, it gave way to something darker, something Astrid had thought she had left behind. Something she hadn't felt since she first came to Velaris. Fear. She had buried that feeling as deep as she could while they had traversed the dungeons of Hybern, but now that the adrenalin of the situation was gone and there was nothing to distract herself from it, that feeling took control of her. Memories flashed in her mind as she squeezed her eyes tight, trying to keep the tears at bay.

Astrid didn't want to shed anymore tears for those psychopaths, but they dripped down her face anyways. She bit her lower lip in an attempt to cry silently, but it didn't seem to matter as Az pulled her flush against him with the arm around his waist. The soft brush of his lips against hers brought her mind back from the edge of the chasm it had peering over.

Astrid blinked her tear-filled eyes open to meet his warm, hazel eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you..." Astrid whispered.

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