Chapter 9

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Camryn had knelt down to make it easier for Astrid to lift Wrenica onto their back, before climbing on herself. Once both females were situated, Camryn took off, sprinting towards the estate. Astrid kept one arm wrapped around Wrenica's waist and the other one held a handful of Camryn's fur, keeping them steadied as the wind whipped around them.

As the estate began to come in sight, Camryn let out a roar, one Astrid was sure rattled the walls of the house. Camryn jumped up the stairs leading to the main foyer, skipping every single one, and made their way through the doors that opened by themselves. Astrid looked up to find Tamlin and Feyre standing in the doorway of the dining room. Feyre had her mouth open in what Astrid assumed was shock, while Tamlin made his way over to see what she had brought back. Lucien stood on the stairs, his eyes roaming her sitting atop Camryn. Her hair braided back, sword resting at her hip, daggers decorating her thighs and a pack hanging from her back with the bow and arrows strapped to it.

The night sky shone behind her, and by the bulge that started forming in his pants, she knew she looked as badass as she felt. She sent him a wink as she slid down from Camryn's back, then turned to get Wrenica down, the female looked almost dead. The only sign of life being the shallow, staggered breaths.

"I found her by the boarder, by this strange cave, her name is Wrenica. The Suriel showed me to her." Astrid said to no one in particular.

"Are you and the Suriel best friends now?" Lucien's voice sounded behind her, moving to help her carry Wrenica to a bedroom.

"Jealous much?" Astrid looked around to find Alis, "Bring me drinking water, soup and Lavender Chamomile tea please." She moved to look at the two younger servants that had helped her bathe her first day here, "Bring lavender and lemon grass oil, along with whatever soaps you want. We'll put her in the room that connects to mine."

"What can I do Astrid?" Feyre asked, slightly hesitant.

"You can help me once we get up there, I highly doubt she'll want a male helping me undress her." She flashed her sister a quick smile, before looking to Tamlin, "Help Lucien get her up to the room and lay her on the bed, I'll meet you guys up there."

She paused before leaving out the front door again and looked back at Lucien, "Lucien, bring me some clean clothes at the pond once you're done."

She made her way to a pond she had found in the gardens, quickly stripping down and diving in. She decided to take a regular bath once Wrenica was cleaned up and safe, but she still needed to rinse off herself. She could have used the bath in her room quickly but something about the pond seemed more appealing. She ran her hands over her body and dunked her head under the water. Removing the hair ties and pulling her hair out of the braid, then she lightly massaged her scalp.

As she was quickly cleaning her hair, she felt a pair of eyes on her, turning around she found Lucien. She slowly made her way out of the pond, noting how he scanned her naked body. She grabbed the towel he had thought to bring her and dried off before slipping into the clean clothes.

"Do you like what you see Lucien?"

"You know, at night you almost look like a different person." He moved to walk next to her as they made their way back into the house.

"I've heard that a lot, let me guess, my hair looks darker, and my eyes look purple?" She looked over at him.

"Yea, it looks better on you, you're still gorgeous with the grey eyes and brownish hair. It just looks more like you." He threw an arm around her shoulders, "How are you feeling?"

Astrid took a deep breath, letting the air move through her body, "I'm still adjusting, but better I guess, I just needed time alone while everything came back." She leaned her head on his shoulder, "I've got to figure out who I am now. I was raised as a weapon in Hybern, then I spent the majority of my human life helping Feyre take care of our family. Here, right now, I have no responsibilities. I don't really know what to do with myself."

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