Chapter 7

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Astrid had been hanging upside down from her bed when Alis poked her head in, "Are you ok Astrid?"

"Yea, just planning my day." Astrid said as Camryn went to lick her face again.

"I feel like your planning is more like plotting." Alis earned a chuckle from Astrid as she sat up, "But anyways, Feyre was asking for you."

Astrid slid from the bed onto the floor, before rolling under the bed, "Tell her you didn't see me, I'm not here, I disappeared to the shadows."

"Well then, she was wondering if you knew where Lord Lucien would be?"

"Why would I know where he is?" She drug herself out enough that she could look at Alis.

"Well, you did stalk him yesterday."

"Ah yes, well he was riding a horse, so he'll probably go to the stables at some point." Astrid finally pulled herself completely out from under the bed. "Speaking of my activities yesterday, you weren't at dinner, and I know servants love to gossip."

"And how do you know that?" Alis raised an eyebrow as she crossed her eyebrows.

"It was the way the servants - that I can see - looked at me yesterday, like they knew what Lucien and I did. Do you want more gossip or not?"

Alis seemed to contemplate for a bit, "I myself do not partake in the gossip, but it does help some of the younger servants during this time, so I guess I can pass it along."

"Suuuuuuure," Astrid plopped down on the edge of her bed, crossing her legs, "So yesterday when I was following – I do not stalk – Lucien, He went to go relieve himself and this little bunny was rummaging around and snapped a tiny branch and oh how he screamed! He sounded like a little girl. Then when it was just him, he started practicing his flirting... on a tree... He needs more practice. He also gets a lot of wedgies."

Alis shook her head and made her way out of the room. Astrid sat contemplating today's activities before stationing herself outside of Feyre's door. She followed Feyre, using the different plants throughout the garden to shield her. Following Feyre was much easier than Lucien, she didn't have to worry about the heightened hearing or scent abilities.

Astrid went still, if anyone had spied her, they would have thought she was a statue, as Tamlin approached Feyre. Any movement may alert him, she'd be lucky if he didn't smell her first.

"No trip wires today?" It took everything in Astrid's body and mind not to giggle.

Astrid could tell Feyre was freaked out by how silently he had to crept up on her, she'd be even more freaked out if she knew her twin was hiding in the garden, tracking her. "You said I was safe here, so I listened." Feyre responded politely.

Astrid slowly moved her head to look toward the stables, resisting the urge to grin as she saw Camryn creeping up on the building. She had sent her companion ahead to keep an eye on Lucien, the goal today was to figure out why exactly Feyre wanted to talk with him so bad, and then to continue following Lucien.

Tamlin's eyes narrowed, making Astrid hold her breath, just in case he hadn't noticed her. "My morning was postponed." He tried a pleasant smile, Astrid loosing her breath. "If you want a ride across the grounds - if you're interested in your new... residence, I can take you."

Feyre smiled, no emotion seemed to be behind it, "I'd prefer to spend today alone, I think. But thank you for your offer."

Tamlin raised an eyebrow, "What about – "

"No, thank you." Feyre interrupted before she then started making her way towards the tables.

Tamlin shook his head, whispering low enough only Astrid could hear him, "Have fun stalking Astrid." As if he could feel her tense, "It was the eucalyptus and mint, others might not notice the extra scent outside, but I know we don't grow that in these gardens."

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