Chapter 8

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Feyre had been hurrying after what she thought to be her father when she was stopped by Tamlin. The hope of freedom and happiness her father had braved the woods of the human world and Prythian pounded through her chest. She only briefly wondered how he had made it. This hope and happiness was short lived as a massive hand wrapped itself around her arm.

"Going somewhere?" Tamlin's claws poked through the layers of her clothing.

She stood still as his mouth opened to reveal his fangs, fear that he would kill her coursing through her veins. "Please," she breathed. "My father..."

"Your father?" His gaze shifted to the gates behind her, a low growl rumbling through his chest, "Why don't you look again?" He released his grip on her arm.

As Feyre looked back, a gasp caught in her throat. Her father no longer stood at the gate, instead there was a pale bow and quiver of mountain ash arrows. The image rippled and became a large pack, filled with supplies, another ripple revealed her older sisters, huddled together and whimpering.

"What is..." Feyre was unable to finish her sentence as a scream ripped through the grounds.

Feyre whipped her head to Tamlin, hoping he could find the source of the scream. The scream had been one of pure terror, her body shivering at the sound. Her face become pale as she realized where he was looking, Astrid's open window. All thoughts of escaping or her family across the wall vanished, she had never heard Astrid so scared. Her twin had always been the one to go headfirst into any situation, like fear was a foreign word to her.

Tamlin grabbed her arm again, softer, as he pulled her through the gardens and back into the house. Up the stairs where more screams and crying echoed through the halls. She saw the handful of servants present, running with towels, water, and bandages. Her heart pounded in her chest, wondering what could have happened that would be this horrible. What happened to cause so much fear to come from her fearless twin.

As they neared the room, the look that had been growing on Tamlin's face began to make more sense. His heightened fae sense of smell had picked up on the smell of blood long before her. The tang of iron saturated the hall around her sister's room. It still didn't prepare her for the site that came when she stood in the doorway.

Her sister was thrashing in the arms of Lucien, who was trying his hardest to keep her still. Her eyes glazed over, her face wet with tears and blood. Bruises littered her face, gashes accompanying them. The back of her night gown was now soaked in blood. Feyre watched as another gash appeared on her sister's face.

As Feyre looked over Astrid's face, she noticed something different about her sister. If she looked beyond the gashes, blood, and tears, it was like she had a glow around her. If she were standing, she wouldn't be surprised if Astrid stood a little taller. Her sister had always had that beauty where you know your heart is going to be broke but you go after her anyways, but now, it was almost enthralling. If she wanted a man or male, she could have them. She was afraid to look at her sisters' ears, knowing what she would find if she looked, but she needed the confirmation.

She let her eyes look at Astrid's ear, the once regular rounded human ears now arched to a point. She looked to Tamlin, trying to discern whether his surprised was Astrid's new fae appearance or the blood. "She looks like one of you..." Feyre whispered.

Tamlin looked down at her, "Yes, it started showing the day we came through the wall. I've helped her glamour it, but whatever is happening right now seems to be breaking that glamour."

Feyre couldn't decide how she wanted to feel about this, she knew something more important was going on, but this was a big secret. A secret that had the potential to blow apart their whole lives, "Why didn't she tell me?"

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