Chapter 50

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Mor had moved one of the armchairs in the living space of the House of Wind so that it faced the longer sofa. She now sat with one of her feet propped up on the table separating her from the couch with the bridge of her nose pinched between her fingers and her eyes squeezed shut in frustration. The heavy sound of boots stomping against the floor told her Astrid and Azriel had finally made their way down from Az's room. For two people whose lives revolved around stalking and spying, they could be rather loud.

She opened her eyes and brought her hand away from her face before looking up at them, "Have a seat, now." Astrid raised a brow before the couple went to sit down, "No, not together. One of you on each side of the couch."

"Oooook." Astrid said, confusion lacing her voice.

"Are you ok, Mor?" Azriel asked with the same confusion.

Mor let out a long sigh before getting started, "I'm fucking tired Azriel." The shadow singer recoiled a bit at the use of his name instead of the usual nickname. "I had to spend the past two days hunting down all the Illyrians you two had tied up in the woods. Can you two not just fight someone like a normal fae? Did we really have to resort to torture?"

Astrid let out a huff of indifference, "I would hardly call that torture." She grumbled.

"You had them tied up to a tree Astrid!" Mor exclaimed as she threw up her hand.

"Yes, that's not torture." Astrid replied.

"And what did you have planned after you tied them to a tree?" Mor asked incredulously.

"All I did was tie them up to the tree and have a conversation about how rude it was to look at my mate and talk about what they wanted do to him." Astrid rolled her eyes before muttering under her breath, "Like they would be better than me."

"And then you left them tied up to the tree! Last I checked leaving someone tied up overnight to a tree is a form of torture." Mor informed her as she leaned forward in her chair.

"I did not! I let every one of them go!" Astrid all but yelled.

"Then how come I found three females tied to trees, all who reported that they were left overnight." Mor asked with one of her eyebrows raised.

She knew this conversation was going to be tiresome, but she didn't expect Astrid to fully deny what she had done. It wasn't like her.

Astrid scrunched her eyebrows together as she seemed to think. After a minute a look of realization bloomed on her face, her mouth slowly dropped open into an "O". "I did not intend to leave them there. I saw something... weird in the forest while I was talking with the third one. I must have forgotten or something."

"Did you figure out what weird thing you were distracted by?"

Astrid fidgeted in her seat as a sheepish grin twisted the corners of her mouth up. "Yup." She replied, popping the P.

Mor's hand returned to the bridge of her nose as she took in a deep breath, "I swear, if you tell me, it was a fucking squirrel or something, I will lose my shit Astrid."

Astrid nodded her head in understanding, "Then I won't tell you that."

"Regardless Astrid, you cannot just go and tie females to tree. If you let them, they will and probably already do look up to you. Be an adult and have a regular conversation with them. Or at least challenge them to a fight. You're over five hundred years old for fucks sake, quit acting like a child." Mor fixed her best do I make myself clear look on Astrid.

"I don't think a child would tie people to trees, but I get what you're saying." Astrid grumbled.

Mor shook her head before looking over at Az, "Don't even try and tell me you weren't torturing the males. There isn't an excuse in this world that could convince me otherwise, they were all fucked to hell."

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