Chapter 38

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Astrid woke at dawn with Az, taking a few minutes to enjoy each other's company. Neither were sure when he would be back, and she had already grown quite attached to him. She indulged herself in another session of kissing him, relishing the feeling of his lips against hers, his warm hands holding her against him, and the feeling of his heartbeat under her own hands.

After months in Hybern's dungeon, Astrid never imagined that she would feel this happy again. She was warm, fed, and happy. There was no persistent throb radiating from her back anymore, there was no chilling sting on her wrists, and no unwelcome visitors. Astrid couldn't help the small tinge of fear that emerged with his leaving. If Az was here, she knew she was safe. What if he never came home? What if she lost him? Would she recover from that?

It had only been a handful of days, but she knew the answer to that last dark question that was rattling around in her mind. No, she would not. There were only two that held that honor in her heart, two that if she lost them, she would lose herself. She would give into the darkness that was always waiting, she would make the world regret taking them from her. She may be the promised Warrior, but there was nothing in that damned prophecy that said she would save anyone, that she wouldn't harm someone. She would burn the word down if she lost Az and Wren.

If she lost one and still had the other, the world may be safe, but someone would die, there was no question about that. Whoever stood between her and the one who took them from her would die as well. Feyre, Rhys, and his inner court would see exactly why she was so precious to Hybern and Amarantha. She would turn into the monster they designed her to be.

They had spent the night in his room last night, so she was laying on her stomach with her chin perched on her hands in his bed while she watched him get ready for his mission. She let her eyes wander over his body as he got dressed, enjoying his toned chest and stomach a bit to much. He had given her a smirk as he turned around to change his pants, Astrid had let out an annoyed huff but couldn't complain to much as she enjoyed the sight of his toned ass. It had taken everything in her not to smack it or lick it.

As he finished packing his bag, Az turned to her, "I know it won't be the same, but you are more than welcome to stay in here while I'm gone, and the shirts in the drawers are the ones I've worn most recently."

"Do you have to go?" Astrid whispered as she sat up, crossing her legs in front of her, and dropping her hands in her lap.

Az stepped forward, placing one of his large, calloused hands on her cheek, stroking his thumb across it. "It's my job. I know you'll probably miss me, but don't be sad my little Night Cat."

Astrid gripped the front of shirt, dragging him down for a quick kiss, "I'll definitely miss you Az." She said against his lip.

"I'll miss you too Astrid, but I'll come home, I promise. I don't want to miss too much of your scheming, you and Wren have been working hard to gather those impressive piles of sticks." He responded with a smile.

Astrid unfolded herself and quickly got ready herself, smiling when she noticed Az turning his back to shift through his bag, acting like he was double checking everything. Once she was dressed in her normal leather, one of his shirts under her leather vest, she pulled him into a hug. She buried her face in his chest, making sure to commit his scent of night-chilled mist and Cedar to memory.

Eventually they made their way out to the balcony, Az flew Astrid down to the ground before disappearing on his mission. Astrid let out a sigh and made her way toward the town house, Nuala and Cerridwen meeting her outside with giant grins. Astrid quickly made her exchanges with the Fae Shadow Wraiths and stepped into the shadows cast by the house, letting them drop her outside a cottage made of bones, fat, and hair.

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