Chapter 13

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Azriel paced back and forth, waiting for Amren to tell him Clotho had given the go ahead. Over the past few weeks, Azriel had only gotten a few flickers of emotions. Nothing like the pain, terror, anger, and sadness that had screamed through whatever bond had him connected with this other creature.

It had been late at night, he had just managed to drift off to sleep, when he was jolted awake. Screaming echoing around him, but this time he didn't fly to the door. He knew it came from their bond. He could feel slices of pain across his upper body, he cringed at the feeling.

The weeks had flown by as he and his friends took care of their city, waiting for some message to come from Rhys. A message they had waited 49 years for, and he would wait another 49 years. But he could feel something building in the world, like a power was building. He had tried to mention it Mor and Cassian, but they had brushed it off, telling him he was off his game or paranoid because of everything that had been happening.

It took him a bit to go to Amren with it, he had a healthy fear of the small female. But he kept feeling the building, he felt unnerved that the more the power built the quieter the connection got. The thing that unnerved him the most was that the power had begun building that night, the night whoever it was had been so plagued with emotions.

The moment he had brought it up to Amren, he felt relief roll off his shoulders when she admitted she had felt it to. It's why she had been so distracted lately; she had been trying to figure out what was happening. If it was something related to Rhys, or something entirely different. When he told her what happened that night, explained everything, she had all but ordered they were going to the library. But Amren made sure to go first, making sure it was ok that he came in, not wanting to offend the priestesses that dwelled below.

He jumped forward at the sight of Amren, "What'd she say?"

"She said it was fine, she'd have some of the priestesses pull any book they could find. Then she disappeared, like she was going to look for something too." Amren turned around, presumably heading down to the library again.

Azriel all but ran after her. They made their way into the library, Azriel keeping his eyes lowered. Clotho was back at her desk, her magic quill already writing, one small, thin book in front of her.

Azriel and Amren stood in front of the desk, reading the note, their eyebrows knitting together.

I've had all the priestesses scouring for materials relating to this power surge before you came. I just checked in and nothing has been found.

As for the shadowsinger materials, we checked where it would be shelved and there is nothing. Though I do have my own opinion on it if you wish to hear it?

Azriel shook his head, desperate for whatever he could get, and he trusted Clotho.

Very well. While we do not know much about shadowsingers, we do know a lot regarding the mating bond. Sometimes, in special circumstances, when the other is experiencing certain heightened emotions, it can be translated to the other. I suspect that is what you have been experiencing, and something has changed on their end.

That brings me to this book, it is very small, but it holds an ancient prophecy. Then some musings by priestesses over the years. I believe this bond of yours and the power surge are connected, and I believe both are connected with this.

It is not to leave the library, but you are welcome in to read it anytime. Both of you.

Clotho slid the book towards them, Azriel taking it with slightly shaking hands and following Amren to a table nearby. They looked over the prophecy, Amren's eyes widening a bit in shock and Azriel's eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

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