Chapter 45

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Rhysand and Feyre had gone with Az and Astrid back to the camp instead of continuing to their training spot. Rhysand was wary of letting the couple go in together, they were both masterminds in torture and sneaking around, he didn't doubt that if someone looked to long or the wrong way they would mysteriously go missing, just to pop up in the woods a few days later. But he wasn't their keeper, and they were both insistent that they would be fine. Rhysand wanted to pull the High Lord card, but he wasn't to keen on the idea of Astrid turning her attentions to him.

He'd heard from Feyre how Astrid had stalked after Lucien, and he watched how she was planning against Feyre. So, for now he would stay out of their relationship, as long as they kept from murdering someone else.

Astrid and Az did a fairly good job, but Rhysand wouldn't be able to fully judge that until he and Feyre returned from her training, to make sure no one was missing. He doubted he would find any females missing, they all seemed to do well averting their gaze from Az. It seemed after Astrid's show yesterday, they all had a healthy fear of her. The males however, they thought they were being covert about the way they looked Astrid up and down. It was a good sign, but it also made Rhysand prickle almost as much as he was sure it did Az.

That was his sister they were ogling, they should have more respect for her. But it also showed that the younger generation of Illyrians may be more open to the females learning to fight. Their interest towards Astrid after her fight showed Rhysand that they didn't hate a strong female, it would just take some work convincing the females they could take time away from the chores and convincing these males that they could take some of the chores without dying.

After Az gave the males a stare that promised death and a heated goodbye between him and Astrid that made Rhysand want to claw his eyes out, Az left for the human realm. Rhysand had invited Astrid out to train with him and Feyre but she had quickly declined, her eyes darting from the training ring to the forest during their conversation. Astrid had things she wanted to do, that was obvious, what wasn't obvious to him was what those things were. Were they helpful things, were they things related to her stick plan, were they just her chaotic intrusive thoughts she often let win?

Rhysand shook the thoughts from his head as he made his way into the woods with Feyre.


Astrid strolled through the camp, the cold chill in the air turning her cheeks pink as she glanced towards a group of females that were whispering and glancing at the training ring. Her eyebrows scrunched together as she followed their stares, her eyebrows unfurled as she chuckled at what the females were staring at. Cassian was currently sparring with one of them Illyrian warriors shirtless, if one could call it that. The poor male was trying to defend himself against the onslaught of angry blows Cassian was sending his way.

Astrid made her way over to the group, clasping her hands behind her back as she leaned against the fence next to them. "You know, he won't bite you unless you ask?" She said with a small smirk.

The group whirled their heads towards her, their eyes widening once they realized who was lounging beside them. The only girl with her wings unclipped was the first to speak, "We were just talking about how it would be to learn how to fight like that."

Astrid chuckled lightly, "I've heard that you've had the opportunity, any reason you haven't taken it?"

"It's kind of an empty gesture, they don't really mean it. I think Lord Devlon is scared of our High Lord and his generals, but not scared enough." The same female replied.

Astrid studied her, this female was still timid compared to many she had met but she was braver than what she'd seen from the other Illyrian females. She noticed the way the female couldn't stand still and the way she picked at the skin around her fingernails, but she still kept her shoulders pulled back and a proud look on her face. This one had promise, and Astrid wasn't about to let the toxic masculinity of the Illyrian males fuck that up.

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