Chapter 23

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Adrenalin was coursing through Astrid, accompanied by fear and anger. One word said to Amarantha about this, and all of her plans would fall through. It was bad enough she had to adjust everything because of Feyre, but that had been a small bump compared to the gaping hole this would be. This could put anyone she cared about, that was still alive, on a chopping block. Feyre would certainly be killed, after whatever horrors Amarantha deemed appropriate. Nesta, Elain, and their father would be hunted down and probably tortured similar to Clare. Lucien and Rhysand would suffer worse than they already were, the latter would probably lose all favor he had with the wicked female. Though she had many negative feeling toward her cousins and the commander, Amarantha knew what they had meant to her, and that wasn't something that disappeared just because she wouldn't mind if they mysteriously dropped dead.

But Astrid knew that a quick death wasn't what they would get at the hands of the self-appointed Queen. They would be tortured.

There was a chance Amarantha wouldn't respond so harshly, that she would simply dis-inherit Astrid and demote her. But that was as likely as Astrid sharing her food while in bed with Tamlin, wearing only a tunic. The female hated being deceived as much as Astrid hated the color yellow, so it was something that was sure to illicit a murderous rage. There was no particular reason Astrid hated yellow so much, she had always disliked the color and that dislike slowly grew to a hatred after 500 years.

Astrid stared into the amber eyes of Eris, letting her magic scrape against the flimsy wall in place around his mind. For the son of a High Lord, he seemed to have little manners when it came to knocking on doors. This was the fifth time the bastard had barged into a room she occupied. The second time that it really mattered.

She could deal with the taunting about her dreams, but she refused to deal with any repercussions that would incur if this got out. She debated gutting him here and now, not giving him the chance to debate her threat.

She grabbed a second dagger that she had strapped to her body, pointing it towards his most coveted area, "You may be able to eventually heal from earlier, but I don't think you can grow your cock back, can you?"

He slowly swallowed, the movement causing the dagger at his throat to pierce the flesh slightly. A bead of red trickling down his neck as he responded, "You would be correct."

"What has you bursting through doors, pray tell." Astrid purred, keeping both daggers in their respective places. The footsteps belonging to Rhys inching closer.

"My father demands to see you." He hissed at her.

An amused smirk found its way to her face as she tsked. "Lord Beron Vanserra demands to see ME? Has this demand been passed through the Queen?"

Eris blinked at her, "No."

"Well, then I don't see why he has the right to demand that the Heir and General to our Majesty come see him. I could be wrong, I have been away from any sort of meaningful court for a few years, what do you think Rhysand?"

"Oh, you are quite right, dear Astrid. If the Lord is so desperate for your attention, he would need to get approval from the Queen. That is, unless you are willing to talk with him." Rhysand answered, now standing next to her, amusement swimming in his voice.

Astrid glanced quickly at her brother, noting the pride that was present in his eyes. "Maybe if he had said please I would have considered it. But, since he was such an ass hole about it, I think I should invoke court rules here."

The color drained from Eris's face, "What rules are you referencing?"

"Well, it depends, are you going to be a good boy and deliver my message to your father?"

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