Chapter 44 *

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Azriel watched as Astrid walked confidently in front of him, his eyes straying back to her ass every few seconds, the swish of her hips always pulling them back. After that first time on the forest floor, it was all he could think about, kissing her, pulling her against him, stripping her clothes off, feeling her naked body against him, tasting her, being inside of her. She enveloped his mind, she had been on his mind a lot before they solidified the bond, but now, now she was in every single thought. His brain finding a way to make everything about her.

Azriel didn't want to go back to the camp, he was certain a few warriors and females would probably lose their heads. Because Astrid was gorgeous, with the black leathers hugging her luscious thighs and curving around her plump ass. She didn't have her sword with her since the baldric and belt were with a leather worker, but she did have two of her stolen daggers strapped to each thigh. Even with her vest on, he wouldn't be able to stop looking at her breasts either if she was facing him.

He would torture each male that looked at her, hell he'd even torture the females that looked at her. Hell, he even wished that Devlon would look at her, that way he'd have a modicum of a reason to fuck the asshole up. Astrid was his before, but now, now she is his.

As the sounds of the camp came whispering through the trees, his stunning mate turned to look at him. Her violet, star kissed eyes pinned him in place as she looked up at him. She gave him a gentle smile as she grabbed one of his hands, interlacing their fingers as she spoke, "If I'm already imagining ways to kill the females that look at you, I can only imagine what's going on in your head. Are you going to be ok coming back to the camp or do you want me to grab your bag so you can leave from here?"

Azriel thought it over, it was a smart plan, and he couldn't help but smile at how her mind was working. Normally it was just the male that became murderous after mating, but his mate was special, she was one of a kind. She was as strong as the best warriors – maybe even stronger, she was incredibly intelligent and could plan circles around the best of Prythian's generals, she was stunning, and she could be so very caring. And this amazing bundle of a creature was his mate, he was the luckiest male alive in any world to be able to call her his and to be hers.

Even though he knew it was the smarter plan, he didn't want to be separated from her more than necessary, and he was already going to be gone for an unknown portion of time. He could tell Astrid wasn't fond of that either, she was probably less thrilled about his first stop. He would have to stop by her human sister's estate to see if any word from the queens had come. And Elain liked to try and flirt every time he had to stop by.

It was something that confused him, he wasn't even sure she knew she was doing it. She talked about being so in love with the human male she was engaged to, but she would always find ways to touch him. Whether it be her hand on his arm or brushing up against him. Azriel hated it, after being with Astrid, Elain was a tad to boring for him. He lived for Astrid's chaos, to never know what he was coming home to. He knew it would always be her, but her mind was an interesting labyrinth of plans, schemes, and cauldron knows what else.

Azriel had made it a goal now to only have to interact with Nesta at this point, he would rather sit in a tree and wait for Elain to leave than deal with telling Astrid later. And Astrid was never to happy when he told her, but she never got mad at him, because she trusted him. She had told him as much the first time he told her how Elain acted, but only after she threw a knife.

"I think..." Azriel muttered as he started prowling closer to her, his mind wandering now that he realized he didn't know how long it would until he got to hold her again, "I'd like both of us to wait a bit longer to go back into camp."

He watched as her chest stated rising and falling quicker, "What do you have in mind, Az?"

Azriel trailed his fingers across her cheeks, before gripping her chin a bit harder than he did earlier, "I think we're close to the camp, and I think I want them to hear you scream my name."

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