Chapter 65

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A cool breeze pushed through the townhouse; the air tingled with magic as it brushed against Azriel's tanned skin. His lips pulled up slightly as he watched his fearsome mate stand toe to toe with the most powerful High Lord in the courts. There wasn't an ounce of fear on Astrid's face, just determination.

He'd watched her over the past few weeks, she'd put up a front around everyone else, she'd acted like nothing was wrong and she wasn't spinning thoughts around in her head constantly. But, at the end of the day, when she would come to bed, he would watch her whole body deflate. He couldn't miss the tiredness that etched its way under her eyes. He never pushed her though; he only leant her as much strength as he could. Whether that was just holding her at the end of the day or kissing away the thoughts that haunted her.

When she finally told him what had been going on in her mind outside of the library, his heart broke for her. He wanted to let her be carefree, to give her the safety to enjoy her life, and he'd been able to do that for a time. But, eventually, the harsh reality of life always comes creeping back in. They both have responsibilities to those around them and the court they live in, and now, they hold responsibility for those that were a part of the Court of Shadows and those that would join in the future.

Rhys had joked with Azriel and Cass a few times about a new court forming, Cass thought he was only joking, but Azriel had a feeling that Rhys was onto something. So, when Astrid looked back at him, a silent question dancing in her eyes, there was no question about his answer. She didn't even need to use her magic to ask him, not after their conversation only minutes ago. He would be more than proud to stand at her side as she crafted her new court, her new home.

Azriel had his guesses about how this new court would function and where it would be based out of. Astrid just found her family, both biological and chosen, there was no way she would willingly leave them. So, the Court of Shadows would have to be based out of the Night Court. Two courts inhabiting the same piece of land was something that had never been heard of, but many would say the same thing about a High Lady.

Rhys's eyes swam with amusement as he looked over at Lucien, "It is up to you, Lucien. Which court would you prefer to be a part of?"

Lucien swallowed harshly, as his eyes darted between the two formidable leaders, "Um..." He stammered. "I'd be honored to join Astrid." He finally said.

Rhys gave a slow nod of his head, the amusement never leading his eyes, "I suspected as much." He muttered before turning back to Astrid, "He might be a part of your court now, but he still lives in mine. His fuck ups are now yours."

An undeniable look of annoyance plastered itself to Astrid face, "I understand how it works Rhys. If we can go to your office, I have something I would like to talk to you about." She said quieter.

Rhys's eyebrows scrunched together as he gestured for her to follow him to his office. Azriel straightened in his seat and waited to see if Astrid wanted him to follow, to see if Feyre joined them. The dynamics of their group have been changing quickly over the past few months, everyone had to adjust to it, and they needed to adjust quickly. A war was rushing towards them and if they weren't in a good place, if they weren't comfortable with the new dynamic, it could be deadly.

Azriel glanced over at Feyre and found her hesitating on the edge of her seat as well. Feyre glanced over at him and tentatively shrugged her shoulders.

Rhys cleared his throat, bringing both of their gazes back to him, "Feyre, you're a High Lady now, any meting I have, you have. Nothing happens in this court without us both knowing."

A giant smile burst onto Feyre's face as she all but jumped out of her seat. Astrid looked back at Azriel and raised her eyebrows at him, "Let's go, idiot." She said.

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