Chapter 61

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Over the next few days, Astrid took some time to relax with Az and Cass. She tasked herself with making sure that they followed the rules that Madja had set down for their recovery. Neither of them were extremely happy about the forced rest, but Az seemed to mind it a little less with Astrid taking care of him.

Rhys would pop in more frequently than he normally would to check on them. It was obvious to anyone that he was missing Feyre, so Astrid would put him to work or talk strategy with him.

While Rhys was helping Az and Cass slowly begin to work out again, Astrid had taken that time to go out dress shopping with Mor and Wren.

Camryn had been spying on the Spring Court for her since she couldn't communicate with Feyre without risking the twins finding out, and they had told her about the summer solstice festival approaching. Most of her dresses that her mother had made for her were in dark colors, not something meant for a Spring Court festival. No, she needed something lighter, more in the style of that court without actually having to go shopping or order from there.

Thankfully, Mor knew of an amazing seamstress who had grown up there and could help style Astrid in something more attune with that court but still within her style. They had visited a couple days prior so the seamstress could collect her measurements and help find colors and fabrics that she liked, or at least didn't hate.

The dress was ready now, just in time for the festival. The dress left her shoulders bare, the bodice a light chainmail with lilac trimming and silver, glittery detailing. Around her waist, shimmery, lilac flowers marked the transition from the bodice to the shimmering lace of the lilac skirts. Per her request, there was a long slit up her left leg that showed the light blue under skirt of her dress. This way she could strap on a few of her coveted daggers and have easy access to them.

She stepped out of the dressing room to show her two friends before letting the shadows crowd around her. She relaxed into their chill embrace as they pulled her through the cracks in the realm. A smile twisted itself onto her lips as she felt the cool strokes of her mates' shadows as they greeted her.

There was something so different about the shadows that encircled and obeyed her mate compared to hers. Astrids were more chilling and thick, where his were more of a cool whisper. Az's acted more like puppies where hers would greet her with all the excitement of the stereotypical cat. And no matter how much he tried, hers wouldn't respond to him.

Within moments, her bare feet kissed the cool marble of Tamlin's foyer and the shadows dissolved in the corners and crevices around her. A few servants stopped to stare at her with wide, fear-stricken eyes. Only a hint of recognition sparked on their faces, not that it would cleanse the fear from them. Many of them probably remembered her escapades from her first time here, when she had Lucien and Tamlin looking over their shoulders and peering into rooms before they'd enter it.

But those weren't the servants she cared about, there was only one that mattered, and she was standing at the stop of the stares in front of her. Alis stood with her bark coated arms crossed in front of her as she looked down at Astrid. The pair of females stared at each other for a few seconds before the tree barked female grinned widely and made her way down the stairs to wrap Astrid in a tight hug.

"It's nice to see you again Astrid." Alis said as she pulled away and looked her up and down, "Making grand entrances with clothes on, that's a new one for you."

Astrid dropped her head slightly as a shy smile appeared on her pink lips, "I have a mate now Alis."

The older female clapped her hands together, "Oh that's wonderful, do you have a moment to tell me about them?"

"He's wonderful Alis, he really is. Have you heard of the Shadowsinger?" She asked quietly.

Alis's barky eyebrows shot towards her hair line, "Oh yes, we've all heard of him child." Alis paused for a moment as the reason for Astrids question sank into her, "The second that glamor started falling off of you I should have guessed it'd be one of Rhysand's circle. I can't say I'm all that surprised. He treats you right?"

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